Miami Vice currently rated 90% at Rotten Tomatoes


B3D Shockwave Rider
Only 10 reviews so far but 9 out of the 10 are positive.

Also the offical website has a lot of behind the scense video available to watch. They show them filming in the slums in the Domican Rebuplic and how they had to hire 150 security personal to protect them. In another scene director Michael Mann uses a real Miami SWAT sniper to do some shooting. For the Club Mansion scene, they have 750 extras dancing around.
Bah, ignore Rotten Tomatoes. It's "let's take the average of all the reviews assuming all the reviews are binary good or bad" is flawed. Metacritic is so much better (and it's rated 63 there).
I'm almost 100% certain the world has reached the end of directoral creativity as we know it. Probably 75% of movies being released nowadays are hijacked storylines.
I think I'll have to give this a miss. The reason? When I first heard from a (weirdo/unreliable) friend that this film was being made he said "yeah, they're making Miami Vice the film... Jamie Foxx is in it and so is Will Ferrell..." - imagine my disappointment when I found out it was Colin Farrell and not Will Ferrell...
And Eurogamer put it at 5/10 just now, praising the controls and graphics, but not much else. Still, that's 3 points higher than Pirates of the Caribean got, and look how well that game is doing ...

People are crazy. Buy Loco Roco for your kids already!
RT sucks. I hardly every agree. They gave Lade in the Water a 20something percent. Quadruple that and its about right to me.