Hey, ws just wondering if anyone had any new info about these two DVD-labelling technologies. I actually only just recently found out about them via this review of a HP LightScribe burner and this article on NEC's new burner. I think Label Flash looks way prettier, but of course LightScribe has the decided advantage of actually being to market (there are 9? i think? LS-enabled burners on newegg from $46 and up, and a 30-pk spindle of Verbatim LS DVD-Rs is $14). It might be about three months before I help the g/f build a new pc; what I'm wondering is whether anyone knows how soon improvements upon these two technologies are expected? Also, has anyone seen any Label Flash DVD media for sale? I think it's cool (gimmicky, but not expensive, so very cool!) tech and I definitely want in when I buy our next burner... :9~~~