Light scattering - 56K


I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere but its news to me and probably some of u havent heard of this as well. Capcom will be implementing light scattering techniques in Onimusha 3 as well as fancy shadowing (no more circular shadows).
It sounds like light scattering simulates rays of light bouncing off the atmosphere (or something like that) and also create realistic shadows too.





I'd really like to hear some comments from the B3d gurus. Is light scattering a cheap gimmick like lens flare or does it have other uses?

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I saw this quite a while ago but it is pretty interesting.. although I would think that much of the fascination about this technique is gone since it was bandied about a lot before Rebel Strike was released.

This "Image Based" LS seems to be a possibly more 'clever' implementation than the one in RS.. although the latter is probably more accurate (assuming that F5 used something similar to the ATI demo).

LS in general seems to be most simply described as a more realistic outdoor fogging technique. In the right circumsatances I believe that it can look quite nice.
It is image composition. And using the z-buffer for image composition isn't insanly new (using it as a LUT for smoothing to get Depth-Blur isn't insanely new). But it looks gorgous, which is another mark that 3d-hardware shouldn't be made for specific renderingtechniques. To get the idea, most 3d-hardware in 1998 was made for running Quake 2 as fast as possible ;)

edit: wait, is this how they do shadows?