I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere but its news to me and probably some of u havent heard of this as well. Capcom will be implementing light scattering techniques in Onimusha 3 as well as fancy shadowing (no more circular shadows).
It sounds like light scattering simulates rays of light bouncing off the atmosphere (or something like that) and also create realistic shadows too.
I'd really like to hear some comments from the B3d gurus. Is light scattering a cheap gimmick like lens flare or does it have other uses?
Direct link: http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20030916/oni3_2.htm
It sounds like light scattering simulates rays of light bouncing off the atmosphere (or something like that) and also create realistic shadows too.
I'd really like to hear some comments from the B3d gurus. Is light scattering a cheap gimmick like lens flare or does it have other uses?
Direct link: http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20030916/oni3_2.htm