Keylogging on Vista

My brother is an idiot, and his shenanigans have necessitated this drastic step. In any case, I need a Vista compatible keylogger that can discriminate between users, and that he can't easily shut down. I have looked at a few related websites, namely:

Now, I'm both confused and paranoid. After all, such software is highly associated with spyware, and certainly some of those sites look sketchy. Honestly, I would rather use a built in Vista function, but there doesn't appear to be one. If someone can make some recommendations, it would be a great help.
Spill a glass of Coke on the keyboard infront of him and get a new keyboard with built-in hardware keylogger.
Well, the main issue is that I also use the computer, and I don't want my stuff logged. I want something that can work on a per-user basis.

Now, I could write one myself, but what's the point when there's most certainly better ones already made?
Why can't you just have him use a restricted account and set up some group policy preventing him from doing harmful stuff?
I can say you'd be safe buying a keyghost. (hardware solution, so can't do user checks...)
It's a local company and I just happened to speak to the guy who runs it today.
It's not dodgy (99.9% certain :p ).

lol I didn't realise what a ripoff they are...
Hmmm... IIRC the sun workstation I used many years ago would stop if you disconnected the keyboard. Damn good idea IMHO.

Don't remind me... I still hear the yelling from the other guys at work when I accidentally pulled the Keyboard cable out of our SUN WorkStation (I was connecting a router in a jungle of cables) that functioned as our file-server... I cannot believe it makes the machine crash... whoa...