Just ordered a new Digital Camera!


Yes, I just bought a Canon Powershot S1 IS .. for AUD$785 (Yahoo Currency Converter tells me it's about US$585.53) - pretty good value, do you agree?

I'm pretty happy.. I currently have a Kodak 1.3MP cam which is about as useful as an old boot. :) Hopefully it's a nice cam - it can do 640x480 movies that look sweet!

Main reason for my purchase... I'm seeing Radiohead in April, and am hoping to snipe a song or two. So now to buy some Flash memory. I was thinking about getting a Microdrive.. anyone had any experience with these before? I have seen a 2.2GB Microdrive for AUD$399 at http://www.mittoni.com.au/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/1314 - very tempted. Can't see myself filling 2.2gb any time soon.

So what do you think? Anyone used one/got one? How does it compare?