Junctionless transistor could simplify chip making, say researchers



In a move that could revolutionize nanoelectronics manufacturing and the semiconductor industry, scientists at the Tyndall National Institute (Cork, Ireland) have designed and fabricated what they claim is the world's first junctionless transistor.
"The current flows in a very thin silicon wire and the flow of current is perfectly controlled by a "wedding ring" structure that electrically squeezes the silicon wire in the same way that you might stop the flow of water in a hose by squeezing it. These structures are easy to fabricate even on a miniature scale which leads to the major breakthrough in potential cost reduction," explained Professor Colinge.
That looks nifty. I hope they find a way to do this without an e-beam, or something comes along to seriously upgrade the throughput when using one.
How is a "wedding ring" structure in silicon supposed to be cheaper/easier to make than doping a junction?