JUMP Fiesta Videos


Interesting... so no "change" between the real world and the batles then...?

I mean it's not such a huge change, but still, nice to know Square aren't just slapping new art on the old engine and off u go, u've got a new FF...

Now, if only they used a (perhaps improved) physics engine from The Bouncer i'd be very happy...
london-boy said:
Interesting... so no "change" between the real world and the batles then...?

I mean it's not such a huge change, but still, nice to know Square aren't just slapping new art on the old engine and off u go, u've got a new FF...

Now, if only they used a (perhaps improved) physics engine from The Bouncer i'd be very happy...

Why do you need physics in a Final Fantasy game (cloth and hair aside?) :p
Tagrineth said:
zurich said:
Why do you need physics in a Final Fantasy game (cloth and hair aside?) :p

FFX-2, for one, includes jumping...

When you're standing over a 'jumpable' ledge :LOL:

(in otherwords, its a far cry from a platformer/Tomb Raider style game)