Jon Peddie Q305 Report

Via is up 1%? And has half the market share that big green does? That surprises me (though I must confess to being somewhat oblivious to such #s).
Ok, I lied, maybe there is something a bit surprising about VIA's results. No idea. I guess their IGP solution must be doing ok. Didn't see any corroborating evidence at the VIA web site though.

I did notice that VIA did have an announcement today that they'd be using Fujitsu for their 90 nm graphics products.

Fujitsu will manufacture the "Chrome" graphics processor family, S3 Graphics' newest and most advanced 3D graphics processors using Fujitsu's leading 90nm process technology, which yields silicon that runs both 25% faster and with power savings of at least 25% compared to chips made with conventional 90nm processes. In leading benchmark tests, the new silicon produced by Fujitsu showed up to 75% performance improvement over earlier S3 Graphics generations, enabling the new range of graphics processors to offer richer Hi-Defâ„¢ video features and more vibrant 3D graphics.
(How's that for hijacking my own thread?)
Well, let's be a bit more precise here, based on what the article says :)
Discrete Desktop Shipments

          Q2     Q3
ATI      51.8%  47.9%
NVIDIA   46.3%  50.4%
Other    1.9%   1.7%
Overall GPU Shipments
           Q2     Q3
Intel    41.8%  43.8%
ATI      26.8%  26.2%
NVIDIA   15.9%  17.8%
VIA       7.8%   8.9%
SiS       5.1%   4.8%
Other    0.51%  0.62%

I'd be intruiged by the shipment percentages of Discrete Desktop, Discrete Notebook, and Integrated (plus, Workstation, although that probably is so small it wouldn't really matter). However, something important to keep in mind is that those are shipment numbers, not revenue numbers; you make way less money on an integrated GPU than on a discrete one, so it's easy to see why NVIDIA's margins are so much higher than the competition's based on these figures.

Heck, you could say you don't make any money on an integrated GPU, you make money on the motherboard, but in practice I'd guess it'd be more correct to conceptualize that as a X% on GPU, X% on the Motherboard, based on the costs of the two components (which can be even harder when it's integrated in the northbridge etc., which is generally the case).

Indeed, the breakdown into market segments would make things more interesting. I imagine at some point those will be revealed to the broader public. I was actually going to make a comment along the lines that I expected Q4 overall market share to be more of the same for ATI and nVidia, with ATI continuing to lose share and nVidia gaining it, albeit perhaps at a slightly slower pace than Q3 because of the ramp up of R5xx parts. But then I remembered those reports about ATI supplying Intel with chipsets and had second thoughts...
Dave Baumann said:
Mercury numbers were out last week, and have a slightly different breakdown:
Parsing Mercury's data from that pretty badly-written article (numbers and terms akimbo or missing), we arrive at numbers similar to JP's:
Discrete Desktop Shipments

          Q3'04     Q3'05
ATI       55%       47%
NVIDIA    42%       50%
Discrete Notebook Shipments

          Q3'04     Q3'05
ATI       72%       76%
NVIDIA    22%       22%
Integrated Desktop Shipments

          Q3'04     Q3'05
Intel     66%       61%
ATI       2%      8%
NVIDIA    2%      3%
Integrated Notebook Shipments

          Q3'04     Q3'05
Intel     61%       78%
ATI       17%       16%
Overall Market Share: 

Intel    41%
ATI      26%
NVIDIA   18%
Yeh I found it interesting. The via numbers might be the start of the reflection of thier recovery in the chipset business following Intel's 'shortages' and withdrawal from the low end chipset business? Though I do not know if integrated and low end chipsets come under the same classification.

Good competiton in that area with intels adopotion of ATi chipset's and nvidia's release of the 6100 series.
PurplePigeon said:
Indeed, the breakdown into market segments would make things more interesting. I imagine at some point those will be revealed to the broader public. I was actually going to make a comment along the lines that I expected Q4 overall market share to be more of the same for ATI and nVidia, with ATI continuing to lose share and nVidia gaining it, albeit perhaps at a slightly slower pace than Q3 because of the ramp up of R5xx parts. But then I remembered those reports about ATI supplying Intel with chipsets and had second thoughts...

I think Nvidia will gain share. And in contrast to you i think there growth wil be faster and not slower because of them re entering the IGP market with their C51 chipset.
Revenue wise Nvidia had the biggest growth. So i think revenue wise their growth will be somewhat slower but unit wise i think they will grow faster because of C51.

Those market share numbers are always unit numbers not revenue numbers. That's why in overall marketshare Nvidia is 3rd despite the fact that they surpassed ATI in revenue and profits. It also explains their record margins. Looks like the IGP market is growing a lot but only offers little money.