I've been hanging on the Steam forums a bit...


...and if you ever want a real wake-up call as to what the average consumers computer use/knowledge is it is invaluable! :oops:

I just replied to this gem of a thread here about some folks who mysteriously could no longer play HL2 and were told their account was banned for multiple use violations.

The users were outraged and demanding answers, they'd shared their account info with no one and were righteously indignant! The most vocal posted up pictures of his desktop showing the problem.

Someone else pointed out that they doubted he bought all the games on his desktop. I couldn't see all the games; but there was a lot of expensive image processing software as well as Kazza, E-mule, and Azureus. :rolleyes:

There are just some really dim bulbs still on the old x-mas tree, HL2 is bringing 'em out in droves....and I'm loving it!
Well, just because you have azureus on your desktop doesn't mean you deserve to have your steam account banned. Tons of game demos and similar files are available via bittorrent for example, so there's plenty of legal uses for the software. Hell, steam itself is bittorrent-based! :p

Then again, I do agree it is pathetic when people pirate a game and then deny they pirated it after they got caught doing it. :)
Guden Oden said:
Well, just because you have azureus on your desktop doesn't mean you deserve to have your steam account banned. Tons of game demos and similar files are available via bittorrent for example, so there's plenty of legal uses for the software. Hell, steam itself is bittorrent-based! :p
True; but Kazza, E-mule, AND Azureus?!?

It could be perfectly legit, but I would give awfully long odds on that.

Then again, I do agree it is pathetic when people pirate a game and then deny they pirated it after they got caught doing it. :)
I don't know if they did or didn't yet, but come Monday or so I think we'll find out....Valve is pretty good about bitch-slapping silly heads like that down with the facts. :)

thegrommit said:
That way madness lies.
It's kind of incredible, I can actually feel my braincells dying when I'm there! :oops:
digitalwanderer said:
True; but Kazza, E-mule, AND Azureus?!?

I have no idea what's available on emule, I've never tried it, but kaazaa is also an e-music store these days and not just a fileshare network isn't it? And like I said, azureus has plenty of legit uses, just go to 3dgamers and pull down a demo or two, hehe. I usually get awesome DL rates via their bittorrent option, and I also leave the file up for sharing for a couple days as well.

It could be perfectly legit, but I would give awfully long odds on that.

Yeah, but we should always assume innocent until proven guilty. I had - I think - kaazaa lite installed for quite a while on my system, didn't use it for s##t (*), it just sat there on my harddrive. Just because someone has fileshare programs doesn't mean they're pirates.

* = Hhee, I TRIED to use it to download episodes of Enterprise, but I got such lousy DL rates I just gave up and leeched them off a friend's FTP instead before I discovered bittorrent. :p
Oh man, I had some fool telling me that a 5900 ultra could beat a 6800 and that a 9800XT could beat a X800 pro because "those were the best of last generation and they still cost $400 and they can beat the low-end boards.

Since when is a 6800 or X800 pro a "low-end" card?!?!? :LOL:
Jesus christ they really are quite ignorant! :O
Half of the hardware posts are like this:

hi i have dis system will half life 2 run on my system?
pentum 4 3.2 ghz
geforce 6800 pro
2 gb ram
120 gb hard drive
audigy 2
intellimous explorer
dell montior

Gee dude, it will run but just bearly. :rolleyes:
As soon as my account has been activated, I'm replying to the 8.1 on DX9 card thread. That's too much bullshit to be allowed to be spread.

EDIT: Maybe I was a bit harsh, afterall, not everyone knows what's inside their computer, or how to read/understand the minimum specs. :LOL:
cloudscapes said:
Maybe I was a bit harsh, afterall, not everyone knows what's inside their computer, or how to read/understand the minimum specs. :LOL:
No,no...you're not being harsh just being honest. We're talking about some people with very little computer knowledge, and most of 'em have the wrong knowledge and are adament in their mistaken beliefs.

I wish I could find the thread where there is a guy with a 5200 ultra whining about how it keeps defaulting him to the dx8.1 path when he CLEARLY owns a dx9 card....he even has the box that says so! :LOL:
How stupid are some people the least they could do if they owned pirated programs was not to have such things on the desktop. How hard is it to use bittorrent and other pirated programs through the start menu or at least pit the shortcuts in the recycling bin when you take the screenshot.
And of course my 5700Le pwns every card out there. :LOL:
Xenus said:
How stupid are some people the least they could do if they owned pirated programs was not to have such things on the desktop. How hard is it to use bittorrent and other pirated programs through the start menu or at least pit the shortcuts in the recycling bin when you take the screenshot.
And of course my 5700Le pwns every card out there. :LOL:
I keep a "Utilities", "Games", "Tools", and "Dad's Crap" folder on my desktop that I can keep about 95% of my shortcuts organized and out-o-site with. ;)
I hardly ever use the shortcut to azureus anyway, I just click on a torrent link in the browser and it starts up. No need for shortcuts then. :)
some noob said:
i have 512mbz of pc133 ram and am soon upgrading to 1gb, is it realy that bad of ram? it runs hl2 well, i havent had any problems. why do ppl consider it so bad



digitalwanderer said:
I keep a "Utilities", "Games", "Tools", and "Dad's Crap" folder on my desktop that I can keep about 95% of my shortcuts organized and out-o-site with. ;)

I keep mine as Apps and Games :)

hey this guy could be legit. i have more than that in image processing software. I also am an avid user of kazaa, Azeurus, and IRC... for porn, not for warez. I see absolutely no reason to assume the guy had a pirated copy.
Unknown Soldier said:
digitalwanderer said:
I keep a "Utilities", "Games", "Tools", and "Dad's Crap" folder on my desktop that I can keep about 95% of my shortcuts organized and out-o-site with. ;)

I keep mine as Apps and Games :)


i have a generic "downloads" folder in which goes all of my downloads that are not from kazaa / IRC. Those go into c:\My DOwnloads. Or H:\My Downloads when C: get's full. I also save pics and stuff in my My Documents tree.

oh yeah, i also used to have a "Q" folder on my desktop for all of my porn. now, however, it's spilled all over my computer and I couldn't wipe it all out if I wanted to.