iTunes Hell

London Geezer

Hey guys, i have a friend who has started getting major problems from iTunes... Can anyone help him, cause i have no clue...

When I try to burn a music CD, iTunes starts burning normally, but
midway through the burn a Microsoft error message reports that due to
Exception 0xc0000005 iTunes has to close.

What can I do about this? I have searched throughout these discussions
and cannot find an answer.

iTunes did burn fine before. The problem started with iTunes 4.6,
which I uninstalled and replaced with iTunes 4.7. I was able to burn
one CD with 4.7 before the same problem recurred.

The CD Diagnostics report is below. Thanks


Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)
CD Driver
CD Driver DLL
LowerFilters: bsstor (,
UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
Found aspi32 running.
Video Driver: MOBILITY RADEON 9000
Could not open CD handler, 5. Problem with installation of drive in Windows.

Drive is empty.

Fujitsu Siemens Amilo D ; Windows XP

T2k said:
Avoid iTunes at any cost. That's a real piece of sh*t, believe me.

I love iTunes. I've tried a LOT of mp3 software. nothing comes close.
T2k said:
Sage said:
T2k said:
Avoid iTunes at any cost. That's a real piece of sh*t, believe me.

I love iTunes. I've tried a LOT of mp3 software. nothing comes close.

Me too.

I agree, nothing comes close - this is way worst than anything.

bah, you just skipped right over the "i love iTunes" part, did you?

by the way, what exactly was wrong with it? specifics, not just "it's a piece of sh*t"
Sage said:
T2k said:
Sage said:
T2k said:
Avoid iTunes at any cost. That's a real piece of sh*t, believe me.

I love iTunes. I've tried a LOT of mp3 software. nothing comes close.

Me too.

I agree, nothing comes close - this is way worst than anything.

bah, you just skipped right over the "i love iTunes" part, did you?

Perhaps deliberately? ;)

by the way, what exactly was wrong with it? specifics, not just "it's a piece of sh*t"

In professional evironment this is the worst player I can imagine - we have a lot of memory and responsiveness problem when this sh*t was running - I soooo hate memroy resident craps.

In home environment it's OK on Mac - I use it n my G5 - but on PC it's a classic lousy-programmed piece.
T2k said:
In professional evironment this is the worst player I can imagine - we have a lot of memory and responsiveness problem when this sh*t was running - I soooo hate memroy resident craps.

In home environment it's OK on Mac - I use it n my G5 - but on PC it's a classic lousy-programmed piece.

professional environment? why would you be using it in a professional environment? and I think most users are using it at home so it might be important for you to distignuish... also, I use it on all the PC's I use. I've never had a problem with it... also, it's the fastest in terms of responsiveness that I've used.
Sage said:
T2k said:
In professional evironment this is the worst player I can imagine - we have a lot of memory and responsiveness problem when this sh*t was running - I soooo hate memroy resident craps.

In home environment it's OK on Mac - I use it n my G5 - but on PC it's a classic lousy-programmed piece.

professional environment? why would you be using it in a professional environment?

? Excuse me?

I thought it's obvious: in any environment where people listen music during their work - like artists, developers etc.

and I think most users are using it at home so it might be important for you to distignuish... also, I use it on all the PC's I use. I've never had a problem with it...

Perhaps your use doesn't mean any demand for your PCs?

also, it's the fastest in terms of responsiveness that I've used.

Sure, sure... especially if you don't run its startup sh*t, right? :rolleyes:
T2k said:
? Excuse me?

I thought it's obvious: in any environment where people listen music during their work - like artists, developers etc.
ahh, i thought you meant like using the iTunes program itsself professionally.

Perhaps your use doesn't mean any demand for your PCs?

what do you mean "your use"? You mean do I not do anything demanding on my PC while using iTunes? Nah, not me, never. Just Maya+playing DVD on second screen and gaming...

Sure, sure... especially if you don't run its startup sh*t, right? :rolleyes:

well, not, i dont run it's startup iPod detector... because I don't have one. why would i run it if I didnt have one? But, can you say 0-3 pct CPU util while playing? Memory footprint? Yeah, it has a big memory footprint compared to other MP3 players... but, compared to EverQuest2 or rendering a scene in Maya... I think it's pretty small unless, of course, you are running with not enough to begin with. But, being that you're in charge of such things, wouldnt that be your fault?
Curious what exactly do you like about iTunes?

My experience with it was I just hated the interface and startup time was a little longer than I would have preferred.

Then again I've never wanted my music playing program to display all my music in various fashions that are almost never really quite how I want to randomly select things.
well, it's fast. the interface is wonderful. i like the internet radio. (yes ive tried other internet radio programs and hated them all.) it's great for orginizing my MP3's. uh. i dont know, it's just much easier to use and does everything i want it to which others dont.
Question to people who hates iTunes, what program are using which you think is better than iTunes? I am using iTunes; I want to try the alternatives.
Hate it or not, it's a bit difficult to just stop using it when all the music on ur PC is on iTunes.
Reimporting everything would be a whole new adventure i really do not want to experience.