Is a new Draft on the horizon?

I also remember a month or so ago about funding requisitions for "Selective Service Boards", IIRC. They're the people who essentially assign deferments in times of drafts. I wish I had bookmarked it. Pentagon spokesman said "don't worry about it it's regular maintenance."
This same stop-gap story comes up every couple of months.

Its unfortunate that a few unlucky people get caught in it and end up extending their enlistment and/or reserve stint by the length of their current tour, but thats how its always been.
A few unlucky people?

Through a series of stop-loss orders, the Army alone has blocked the possible retirements and departures of more than 40,000 soldiers, about 16,000 of them National Guard and reserve members who were eligible to leave the service this year. Hundreds more in the Air Force, Navy and Marines were briefly blocked from retiring or departing the military at some point this year.

Am I not understanding something here? 40,000 seems to be a lot, considering that's roughly 8% of our armed forces. I've heard of extended tours of duty and whatnot, but that's rather high don't you think?

Not like I care since I can't serve anyways in this country even if I wanted to, but considering the probable loss of baby boom troops who will retire in the coming few years, as well as the general decline in enlistments, I'm beginning to wonder whether or not a draft, or some form of mandatory military service for all heterosexual men and women aged 18-25 (isn't this what it's like in sweden?), isn't in this country's near term future? How's that for a run on sentence?
Silent_One said:
So where's any mention of a Draft? The article does not mention the draft at all.

A portent of things to come?
Maybe...maybe not. The article does not say either way.....

No I thought that was a plain question to ask, given what was presented in the article, i.e. retiring troops (40,000 strong this past year without the stop orders), steadily declining enlistments, and a strained armed forces given our committments around the world.

The question raised, given all of those variables, is whether or not a new draft is on the horizon? Or if not a new draft, a mandatory tour of duty for all young people, such as those they have in some european countries.
Willmeister said:
I also remember a month or so ago about funding requisitions for "Selective Service Boards", IIRC. They're the people who essentially assign deferments in times of drafts. I wish I had bookmarked it. Pentagon spokesman said "don't worry about it it's regular maintenance."

If you can find the link again please do. I'd like to see what this is about. Probably just a coincidence, but given this article, who knows. hehe.
8% doesn't sound like a lot to me, considering everybody who's enlistment expires during the conflict will have their enlistment extended until the end of the tour.

Considering National Guard signs up for 3 years or less at a time, its not suprising one third or more of them end up getting extended enlistments due to a year long conflict.

Perhaps "unlucky few" was the wrong term, but considering the fact that its only affecting people who want to quit during their tour, I don't have any more sympathy for them then I do for the other reservists who are serving a year away from their life who are in the middle of their enlistment.
Natoma said:
Willmeister said:
I also remember a month or so ago about funding requisitions for "Selective Service Boards", IIRC. They're the people who essentially assign deferments in times of drafts. I wish I had bookmarked it. Pentagon spokesman said "don't worry about it it's regular maintenance."

If you can find the link again please do. I'd like to see what this is about. Probably just a coincidence, but given this article, who knows. hehe.

See if this helps:,12271,1077906,00.html