
[url= said:
digitalwanderer at Elite Bastards[/url]]Intels German facility has been raided, as well as in Japan:

BBC News said:
The European Commission has raided the offices of Intel and other computer makers across Europe as part of a probe into possible anti-trust violations.

Intel has been involved in a lengthy investigation by Brussels over alleged unfair trade practices.

"The investigations are being carried out within the framework of an ongoing competition case," said European Commission spokesman Jonathan Todd.

The US computer chip maker had no immediate comment to make on the raid.
Looks like some people are getting serious... a lot more than I had even expected.

(This post was pretty blatantly stolen from WyreTheWolf's post on it, I just changed the format a bit....thanks Wyre!)
Intel is guilty of the following crimes

Popping the AMD balloons at Computex in Taiwan

Stopping Dell from buying faster desktop processors buy selling their very slow processors for the cost of a packet of chewing gum

Helping Rambus push up prices on DDR1 and DDR2 by releasing the 850 chipset ages ago and keeping them in business by letting them sell RDRAM to idiots who could not wait for 875

Convincing 99 .9% of the buying public that MHz mattered and then doing a complete 180 degree turnabout when a Prescott chip in Bulgaria had a runaway metldown and melted it's way to the earths crust and forcing Bruce Willis to save the earth at the very last moment by throwing a cup of liquid nitrogen on it.

Mind you I'm not an AMD fanboi, the dual Pentium D cannot even run Windows calculator but at least it is cheap.


Ed Stroglio
dizietsma said:
Convincing 99 .9% of the buying public that MHz mattered and then doing a complete 180 degree turnabout when a Prescott chip in Bulgaria had a runaway metldown and melted it's way to the earths crust and forcing Bruce Willis to save the earth at the very last moment by throwing a cup of liquid nitrogen on it.
How could i miss that ....
chavvdarrr said:
dizietsma said:
Convincing 99 .9% of the buying public that MHz mattered and then doing a complete 180 degree turnabout when a Prescott chip in Bulgaria had a runaway metldown and melted it's way to the earths crust and forcing Bruce Willis to save the earth at the very last moment by throwing a cup of liquid nitrogen on it.
How could i miss that ....

Hey the vibrations were felt all the way down to Athens, didn't you get the memo? :LOL: