if you want to play kong, don't play it on 360... apparently



what a non-story lol...

i wonder whether turning up the brightness on the tv occured to anyone... I just can't believe mr guillemot himself is saying not to buy it on the 360 if you have a standard def tv. madness i say, madness!

with storys like this and the somewhat overblown (imo) stories of failures, it's a wonder ms has any demand from the casual gamer left
if you have a 360, and you wanted to play king kong, why would you buy the xbox1 version?
I tried to play King Kong at Walmart on the XBox 360 and it was very dark. I didn't know exactly where to go, and after 4 minutes and the dinosour chasing me I gave up.

I thought it was just how the game looked and maybe the lighting in the store and the pain of having to look 70 degrees upward.

Though, I think it would have been a better statement to say, there is a lighting issue in the 360 version on normal tvs, we'll be patching it soon. Rather than, don't buy it!

Being first is not turning out so great for MS, because it's hitting all the issues with next-gen and HD first, and Sony can start figuring out some of these issues right away or other developers.
