If you like Star Trek....


...chances are you are a paedophile! :eek:

In May, Yale cyberlaw expert Ernest Miller noticed an astonishing tidbit in a Los Angeles Times story on the Toronto police Sex Crimes Unit's pursuit of pedophiles:

All but one of the [over 100] offenders they have arrested in the last four years was a hard-core Trekkie.

Miller was skeptical but the cops basically stood by their story--at the least, a "majority of those arrested show 'at least a passing interest in Star Trek, if not a strong interest.'" Not just an interest in science fiction generally, mind you. But Star Trek.

The conventional explanation for this seemingly bizarre correlation was that pedophiles must simply be trying to use an interest in Star Trek as a device to lure their prey. But Ellen Ladowsky, an L.A. therapist, thinks there actually is something inherent in the show itself that makes it "irresistible to perverts.". She lays out her case in HuffPost. - http://www.slate.com/id/2124546
what useless stat.
How can you link a sci show and someones sexual preference towards children?
I find nothing in star trek TOS and star trek TNG that is perverted.
This is the same type of thinking that mothers and such use against video games.
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Diplo said:
I take it all the people who deny the link are fans of the show? I thought as much....


thnx god i never liked it.... i could never stand that "new particle saves the day" system in ST...:rolleyes:
Diplo said:
...chances are you are a paedophile! :eek:

Oh dear, Oh dear. Another victim of the the good old "A implies B therefore B implies A" fallacy.

To quote Monty Python:
'All wood burns,' states Sir Bedevere. 'Therefore,' he concludes, 'all that burns is wood.' This is, of course, pure bullshit.
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I always hated Star Trek. All of them seemed to have a broom stuck up their fat asses all the bloody time!! Which might explain... something...? :devilish:

All pedo's also must have been using the internet to get pedo pictures.
And they all drank water.
And they all had houses!
And talked!

One thing that does strike me is that they really all are ugly as fuck.
Well, everybody drinks water, or breaths oxygen.

The fact that they all were devotees of a particular SCI-FI show is somewhat more interesting as that narrows the populace considerable. It doesn't mean that the show is only watched by paedophiles, but there correlation is quite interesting.
RussSchultz said:
The fact that they all were devotees of a particular SCI-FI show is somewhat more interesting as that narrows the populace considerable. It doesn't mean that the show is only watched by paedophiles, but there correlation is quite interesting.
My guess is that people who like sci-fi tend to be the same kind of people who are rather geekish and spend a lot of time on their computers browsing the internet. They are also the type of people who tend to find it difficult getting, erm, sexual relief from normal outlets. I'd guess that a lot of people caught as paedophiles are likely to be people viewing content on the internet. Therefore the connection is made... :)

Of course this doesn't suggest any causal link but, hey, my main intent with the thread was to wind-up trekkies anyway :p