Id's DooM III running on Voodoo2 SLI setup!!!

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Original find at 3dfxzone:

If you go to the 3dfx fan site click stop on your browser once you see text because they over loaded the page with images that can take a while to load specially if you have 56k or ISDN connection.

and arranged screenshots and loads much faster:

You know what this means, I'm going to try this out on my Voodoo3 3000 AGP card and my Matrox G400Max just to see it runs on my old cards I thought I would never use again.

PS: seeing the images makes me think all JC really did was take the QIII engine and add layers to it, not make a new engine like he said he did, but thats just me.
Akumajou said:
PS: seeing the images makes me think all JC really did was take the QIII engine and add layers to it, not make a new engine like he said he did, but thats just me.

lol. I guess you say that about every engine that has triangles and textures, right? :D At first I believed those pics were taken with a 6800GT, then I read Voodoo2... ;)
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