I just bought LG g pro 2 for 230 dollars, few questions


Elite Bug Hunter
So it's a phone from 2014, comes with kitkat, but According to LG can be upgraded to lollipop 5.0

Does this means I'm susceptible to the android attack? Or I can get security update from play store? I'm still not clear how far Google can patch android without os update.

The spec sheet says it have gorillaz Glass 3. Does adding screen protector is safe? I'm afraid the screen protector will stick too much and take away the gorilla coating when removed.

Gorilla glass is the glass itself, not coating. At best, it got oleophobic coating, but the coating itself will wear off when you use it. It will stay as gorilla glass but lose the oleophobic property.
I don't know whether they will give security update to to all of the android version, but I would imagine the answer would be no (especially for non Google phone) since that would mean maintaining multiple OS version for a single phone and LG have a lot of phones.
Sorry I was unclear, yeah I mean the oleo coating on top of the gorilla glass. Googling around, I don't find answer about whether screen protector can remove it or not.

About the update, I understand that I won't get os update for security or anything. But what I'm not sure is whether the security update can be delivered through Google play services.

Historically, Google hasdpushed some of updates through play services, but I'm not sure how far the fix that play services can provide.

Does the latest android security issue can be fixed through play services? Or must through os update.

The latest issue is about app taking over phone, injecting malicious update, Rogue mms, and one more I forgot

Because I want to stay stock rom for this phone for at least a year
I think Google can push some patches through the play store since android 5 but I'm not sure to what extent and to the extent they can do so on non nexus devices.

As for screen protectors I never use one on my phones and my screens never got scraced. Then again I do treat my devices with care.
@tongue_of_colicab yeah google announced that, but so little detail on the specifics :(

about scratches, my device that don't have screen protector applied is only 3DS, PS Vita, and Vaio Tap 11. All of them got scratches. The worst is PS Vita. I barely ever used it and its full of hairline scratches.

Thus I conclude my series of unfortunate events with electronics also touch screen scratches lol.
you must be doing something strange, I've never had a single scratch on any of my phones & I never use protectors or cases, perhaps you're putting them in the same pocket as your keys or something. just got the lg nexus 5x myself last week (aint used it yet, waiting for the credit on the old one to be used up)
my phone always on the left pocket, alone, lol.

btw anybody else looking for cheap-ass android phone with 3GB RAM and overall high quality hardware. this phone is awesome. But the software totally sux. It have too many bugs, making its a cumbersome device (the bug itself can be addresses by some annoying workaround).

btw tried using Cardboard VR with this phone and. OMG!!!!!!!

+ no screen door effect (or i have not noticed it yet)
+ responsive (probably still worse than Gear VR. but it is comfortable enough)
+ bright

- bloody hot (while in VR)
- CPU/GPU throttle like snail (after in 3D VR for 5 minutes or something, for video VR it can stay fast for longer)
- motion blur (i guess i need OLED with low-persistence to eliminate this?)
- low horizontal FoV (probably due to the cardboard i used? gonna tweak the settings i guess...)