Huge Asteroid to Fly Past Earth July 3


B3D Yoddha

An asteroid possibly as large as a half-mile or more in diameter is rapidly approaching the Earth. There is no need for concern, for no collision is in the offing, but the space rock will make an exceptionally close approach to our planet early on Monday, July 3, passing just beyond the Moon's average distance from Earth.

The latest calculations show that 2004 XP14 will pass closest to Earth at 04:25 UT on July 3 (12:25 a.m. EDT or 9:25 p.m. PDT on July 2). The asteroid's distance from Earth at that moment will be 268,624-miles (432,308 km), or just 1.1 times the Moon's average distance from Earth.

On April 13, 2029, observers in Asia and North Africa will have a chance to see another asteroid, but without needing a telescope. Asteroid 99942 Apophis, about 1,000 feet (300 meters) wide, is expected to be visible to the naked eye as it passes within 20,000 miles (32,000 km). Astronomers say an asteroid that large comes that close about once every 1,500 years.
It better not crash, at least not near where I live. My holidays are starting Monday 3rd, and I will not have a big asteroid crashing and raising a huge dust cloud blocking the sun!

I've had these weird, extremely vivid dreams lately, that I'm a bit worried about the end of the world coming soon though.
First it was the rocks falling from the sky and stuff,
and last night it was we were waiting for some big alien ship or other huge object approaching the earth athmosphere. There were a lot of helicopters buzzing overhead and flying close to the ground making a lot of noise.
I was a soldier and we were situated in a barn or something. We started tidying up our bunkers to "make a good first impression" for the whatever was coming to Earth. What eventually came was sort of X shaped, but I woke up just as it arrived.

I did watch some Independence Day yesterday, maybe that influenced my dreaming...
K.I.L.E.R said:
That's a very silly thing to say. If the Earth had a magnetic field we'd cook in it.

He was talking about gravity... And yes, our pretty planet has a magnetic field, thank god it has one or we probably wouldn't even exist!
A moon's distance is still pretty far away. If 3200 of these narrow miss asteroids hurtled towards earth, all guaranteed to be 432,608 km from earth or closer, then we'd still have a 50% chance of missing every single one of them.

Don't hold your breath.
Dont't hate, love. The end of the world is nigh and there's no place for hatred.
Spread your love as long as there's still time!
You Googled!!!
There's no way a gay man who was born in the 80's in Italy and who is now living in London would know he lyrics of Slayer a trash metal band by heart :D
rabidrabbit said:
You Googled!!!
There's no way a gay man who was born in the 80's in Italy and who is now living in London would know he lyrics of Slayer a trash metal band by heart :D

I did NOT google!! I listen to music that would make you run away!! For the record, this gay man who was born in the 80's in Italy and who is now living in London listens to M.Manson, Muse, Metallica and thats just the M's in my mp3 player!! :devilish:

ok yes i googled, but i do listen to those bands, among many others.....