How do YOU pronounce these?

Ever since loading up Wolf 3D on my 386, it's always been I. D. (eye dee) software for me... this "Id" stuff is heresy :p
Yeah, me too. I always thought I.D. Now I say id. Yes, I am that lazy.

artic ocean!
Alstrong said:
Yeah, me too. I always thought I.D. Now I say id. Yes, I am that lazy.

artic ocean!

same thing. but I also got convinced by Wolf3D's "read this!" pages. Id is the same latin word as in "id est"
ATTY (or, something like "Ah-tee") is a very German way of saying it - first time I went to CeBit everyone was shouting that - ATI's European HQ is in Germany and I've heard a number of people there say it that way so I don't know if that is lead by the employee's or the general populace or vice versa. A.T.I. is how its said by the Canadian, US and few UK employee's that I've met.

I've never really considered NVIDIA to be anything but n-videa.
digitalwanderer said:
cash-ay. :oops:

I can't help it, I never heard the word for years using it and that's just how I pronounced it in my head.
Aren't you thinking of cachet?
Blazkowicz_ said:
kaytsh in English :)
What English is that? Look at the pronunciation guide in the OED and you'll see that cache and cash are identical.

For years I pronounced it ee-eye-doss, as in Old McDonald had a farm, ee-eye-ee-eye-doss.