Hitman [PS4, XO]

BTW the game is strangely cheap on the PS store, I pre-ordered it for "only" €49.

Coming on the heels of their announcement that the game is "constantly expanding", is it possible they are going the somewhat episodic model and not releasing the initial game at full price for that reason?

It seems kind of a bizarre coincidence for them to be bragging about how they are going to be constantly adding content (but not large enough apparently to be considered true DLC), to expand the game and then release the game at a lower than full cost price point.
Hitman sounds familiar, although I didn't play a game of the series, but I quite liked the E3 trailer with all the fashion models and stuff, it gives some variety to the character background. The second video is more about explaining gameplay than realtime gameplay, because the cameras are far from the character, I don't think the game plays like that all the time.
Coming on the heels of their announcement that the game is "constantly expanding", is it possible they are going the somewhat episodic model and not releasing the initial game at full price for that reason?

It seems kind of a bizarre coincidence for them to be bragging about how they are going to be constantly adding content (but not large enough apparently to be considered true DLC), to expand the game and then release the game at a lower than full cost price point.
Bingo! It's also super cheap on the UK store which can only mean one thing .........
The game is brilliant. Spent most of my weekend figuring out new ways to kill my marks in the (goddamned impressive) Paris level. Throwing wrenches into Rube Golbergian machinations of intricately crafted clockwork-like A.I. routines is super fun and oh so satisfying. It's also a really generous offer for the 15€ they're charging. The 3 missions make for a pretty decent chunk of gameplay, even if you merely intend to tackle them once and be done with it. If you wanna explore all the nooks and crannies, see all the kills, complete a bunch of challenges, and maybe go for some of the tricky contract jobs (which can be user generated once again), you can probably squeeze 50 hours or more out of this thing.
And did I mention it's also drop dead gorgeous?
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