Help: quick swedish translation


beyond noob
Low Frequency In Stereo - Travelling Ants Who Got Eaten

Haugesundsbandet Low Frequency In Stereos (LFIS) minimalistiske og mer tradisjonelle

postrock høstet mange lovord da kvartetten ga ut sin selvtitulerte debut høsten 2002.

Oppfølgeren «Travelling Ants Who Got Eaten By Moskus» følger i samme fotspor, men LFIS har

denne gangen i hvert fall til tider hardnet til. Dessuten har de også tilført instrumentalen

vokale partier som kler det eviggroovy lydbildet særdeles godt.

Selv har bandet omtalt albumet som en miks av bomber og granater. Blander vi inn bombenes

sus mens de faller, har vi et godt bilde på hva som skjer. Vekslingen mellom de suggererende

turene i verdensrommet, de stemningsfulle filmmusikkpartiene og den hvite støyen sitter


Diggingen glir over i et søvntungt hode av og til, men på sitt beste fungerer LFIS' groove

som vitaminer på vinterslitne tanker.
It's Norwegian.
The band Low Frequency In Stereos (LFIS) from Haugesund won many accolades with their minimalist and more traditional pop-rock when the quartet released their self-titled debut in fall of 2002. The sequel, «Traveling Ants Who Got Eaten By Moskus», follow in the same musical vein, but LFIS have, at least occasionally, gone for a harder sound this time around. In addition they've also added sections of vocal to the instrumental in a way that fit their 'eternal-groove' sound extremely well.

The band themselves describe the album as a mix of bombs and grenades, and if we add in the swishing sound of the aforementioned bombs falling, we're close to getting a good idea [image] of what's going on here. The transitions between suggestive and spaced out trips, the parts that are like a moody and ambient score, and the white noise sits well [with the listener].
Edit: A couple of small spelling fixes. Should be reasonably close in English to 'the spirit' of the original text.
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De nada. BTW, pop-rock should, of course, be post-rock. Don't know what I was thinking there. While the 'bottom layer' in this bands sound might well be a catchy melody, 'pop' really isn't the right word... Edit: MP3 track and a video from their homepage.

I also forgot the last paragraph:
The sensation of really beeing into this album [digging] is sometimes replaced by boredom [beeing somehat dozy], but at their best LFIS' groove is like a shot of vitamins to revitalize a mind tired by a long winter.
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