Happy Easter!


Eto Brikhah, Shnorhavor Sourp Zadig, Kalo Pascha, Eid Passh Mubarak, Hos Paskayla to all Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox B3Ders!

Next time I'll be able to say that will be in 2007. :LOL:
Happy easter all, I am curious to know how everyone here celebrates Easter. I only buy/get chocolate eggs, but that's it. :)
Evil_Cloud said:
I am curious to know how everyone here celebrates Easter.

I've been protecting my children rather fiercly from religion, so it's mostly just a happy bunny day celebration here. We dyed eggs last night, then after I put the kids to bed (Son, Justin, 6; daughter, Maddy, 4) me and my wife put together their easter baskets and put 'em in the living room where the kids would see them when they woke up....which they did and they loved 'em.

Now we're into the radioactive sugar-rushed state after a breakfast of candy and choclate, and in about an hour we will be heading over to my Mom's who lives about 5 miles away for a casual afternoon lunch with just my family. :)

Then I'm gonna bring 'em home, we'll play like fiends for a while, and hopefully I'll get 'em to sleep. Tomorrow is the last day of spring break for my son and my wife's birthday, so it's gonna be a busy couple of days for me.....

...but on Tuesday I'll get me first day off and it's the first one in about 2 weeks, I wonder if there will be anything online to chat about.... ;)
IST said:
What's so bad about religion?
In the spirit of Easter I'll skip me usual vitriolic response and just say that I'm a little old for fairy tales and I don't see the point in teaching lies to my kids. (Honest, that's about the mildest I can get! )
digitalwanderer said:
IST said:
What's so bad about religion?
In the spirit of Easter I'll skip me usual vitriolic response and just say that I'm a little old for fairy tales and I don't see the point in teaching lies to my kids. (Honest, that's about the mildest I can get! )

Fair enough. Usually when I see somehody make a statement like that they have a full-on hatred for religion. I think you're not that kinda guy.
IST said:
Fair enough. Usually when I see somehody make a statement like that they have a full-on hatred for religion. I think you're not that kinda guy.
Actually, I probably am. :oops:

But I'm working really hard at just becoming indifferent to it... :?
I'm a Christian but still have a total hard-on against organized religion (including Christianity).

That said, happy Easter to those who celebrate it. I miss my box of chocolate caramels my mom used to buy me when I was growing up.
I'm of the same mindset, John. I am christian as well but I do not go to church at all. The local ones are corrupted. :(
Happy Easter all. Mark me down as another one against organised religion.

Now we've got that over with, let's eat 8)
IST said:
Ah, hell then.
Nope, I don't believe in that either. :)

But I still enjoy a good holiday just for it's own sake, and I never could figure out the connection between the religious celebration and reasons behind Easter and the way we celebrate with the easter bunny and eggs and such. (Same with x-mas, but at least I can dig the origins of santa in the old red-horned demon of old mid-winters day festivities time...but where in the heck did they get the easter bunny from? :| )

Either or, go with whatever works best for you and may we all enjoy the day in peace. 8)
The bunny thing comes from the Catholic church, IIRC. They were trying to get people more interested in Christianity instead of the local pagen religions so they took their holidays and "Christianitized" them, so to speak.

Nope, I don't believe in that either. :)
