Half Life 2 Lost Coast HDR Performance: Crossfire vs SLI

I havent seen a single benchmark of xfire x18000. It may even not ready or fully tested with the current drivers. The reason why you do not get one is not because they respect you but they simpy do not have a mature enough one to give to you for testing.

However, this is still sad. They claim out-of-the box experience for xfire, and yet problem problems everywhere....
Joe DeFuria said:
Sorry for sounding crass, but it's one of my pet peeves. ATI, or nVidia, or AMD or Intel...don't owe you or any other web site jack shit. (I'm quite sure you both mutually benefitted from whatever lan even you're talking about.) Every single web site has "their own reason" why "they" should get hardware X-Y-Z. You're not special.

He asked about an 1800...the answer is "they didn't give us one."

Couldn't agree more.
Why not just wait? Obviously tiling rendering mode isnt ideal for HDR ((probably for the same reasons SFR isnt)). I'm sure ATI will eventually implement its "own" AFR 2 mode. ((I can only hope)) But it definately reinforces that what we already know. Crossfire doesnt always work in multi GPU mode.
Sorry for being right, but none of you are even remotely qualified to comment about my statement on why we do not have an 1800. Don't even try because you have no clue about what goes on, and who deserves what. Now back to discussion about Lost Coast, or don't post in my thread.
ruiner5000 said:
Sorry for being right, but none of you are even remotely qualified to comment about my statement on why we do not have an 1800. Don't even try because you have no clue about what goes on, and who deserves what. Now back to discussion about Lost Coast, or don't post in my thread.
Coming on a bit strong aren't we?
Who are you to tell us no to comment in your thread?
What can YOU do to stop US?
Let me rephrase that.. I've no reason to doubt that these were your results, but I don't believe that this is the final word in xfire performance. I expect some sort of workaround or fix will be around soon.

And you might wanna chill out a bit.
Poor reviewing policy if your comparing previous gen cards against current gen cards .

This is a site i wont be visting again
Do we not remember the thread that discussed Anands look at HL2: Lost Coast? Lost Coast is using a bunch of post processing to create their HDR effect (as opposed to rendering to a float buffer) and as such isn't going to be conducive to rendering in a split or tiled manner across two boards.
Why shouldnt he review the X850 ? It may be last gen, but its in the same price bracket. And thats all that matters to most users. Its not ruiners fault that ATi have been lax for the last couple of years, with both their PR and their hardware.

If nVidia can have curr.gen hardware out that costs less and outperforms ATi's last.gen thats a black mark against ATi in my book, not the site thats reviewing.

Also AMDZone is a decent website, have been visiting for YEARS. If you "never visit that site" again, because of one of the guys expressing his own views about a company that will rely on him when it needs to and not return the favour, then that speaks volumes about yourself.

Back on topic :

I've yet to find a game that ill be enabling HDR in. Not farcry or AOE3 or Halflife. It looks fugly IMO.
ruiner5000 said:
Sorry for being right, but none of you are even remotely qualified to comment about my statement on why we do not have an 1800. Don't even try because you have no clue about what goes on, and who deserves what. Now back to discussion about Lost Coast, or don't post in my thread.

Um, you're not getting the point.

I don't care why you don't have an 1800. It's completely irrelevant and only makes you look like a whiner IMO, with possibly an axe to grind with ATI. That is, if anything, it casts doubts on your results. Your best bet is to not even mention it beyond the fact that ATI did not get you one.
PoGGeh said:
Back on topic :

I've yet to find a game that ill be enabling HDR in. Not farcry or AOE3 or Halflife. It looks fugly IMO.

AoE3's HDR is awesome and shows that it has a use. I dont know why you dont like this method, maybe because you cant use AA with it. Serious Sam 2's HDR is pointless, but at least it doesnt make the game look worse like Farcry's, HL2's and SP:CT's.