Guerrilla is working on a new game for PS3?


The info comes from a site that i have never heard of before, so i dont know if the site is realiable or not:

Guerrilla is working on a new game for PS3!

Guerilla werkt aan een nieuwe game ()
Geplaatst door Rastapopulos

Guerrilla Games is onder andere bezig met Killzone voor de PS3 en onlangs brachten ze Killzone Liberation nog uit voor de PSP. Nu hebben ze vandaag enige informatie vrijgegeven over een nieuw project waar ze al enige tijd mee bezig zijn. Deze game zal in het eerste kwartaal van 2007 moeten verschijnen onder de titel GrimSquad: Endless Warfare.

Deze game zal een squad-based shooter zijn. Vooral zal er in de game gefocust worden op het coveren en helpen van je squad members. In totaal zullen er 3 mensen met je meegaan de strijd in en het is de bedoeling dat je de controle over hun neemt.

De bedoeling van de game is dat je de aarde moet verdedigen van wezens die vanaf ene planeet Lomak komen. Meer is er helaas nog niet vrijgegeven over het verhaal van de singleplayer. Deze game zul je ook online kunnen spelen met 24 man. Coöp spelen met vier man zal ook mogelijk zijn, zowel off als online. De game is momenteel op zo`n 40 procent in de ontwikkelstatus.


Translation summary (thanks to keesie from ps3forums):

Translation summary:

- Guerrilla games is working on a new title, named: GrimSquad: Endless Warfare
- The title is scheduled for a Q1 2007 release, on the PS3.
- It will be a squadbased shooter, you will have 3 squadmembers.
- In this game you will have to defend the earth from aliens/not earth people that are from the planet: Lomak.
- The game will feature a 24 man online mode, and a 4 man cooperative mode (online and offline).
- The game is done for about 40%.

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At least you could have added a question mark to the title .

And yes that site isn’t reliable it has posted BS on few accounts , like “AC 4 is cancelled for 360 “ article

that and dutch are not to be trusted
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It looks strange. And I would be surprised to see a 40% game launching Q1, but we'll see.

4 player co-op rules though! :)
At least you could have added a question mark to the title .

And yes that site isn’t reliable it has posted BS on few accounts , like “AC 4 is cancelled for 360 “ article

that and dutch are not to be trusted

AC4 wasn't canceled for the 360? oO You sure? Latest trailler only had the PS3 logo in it, as well as the website only talks about the PS3, and i heard something about Sony studios making a AC movie wich would explain the exclusivity.

Btw is it just me or do those walls in the pics come directly from the new Brother In Arms game? xD
AC4 wasn't canceled for the 360? oO You sure? Latest trailler only had the PS3 logo in it, as well as the website only talks about the PS3, and i heard something about Sony studios making a AC movie wich would explain the exclusivity.
AC4 is coming out for the PS3 this december in japan. AC4 for 360/PS3 is coming out in spring 2007 for NA. So PS3 has it exclusive in japan.
AC4 wasn't canceled for the 360? oO You sure? Latest trailler only had the PS3 logo in it, as well as the website only talks about the PS3.
As Assassin's Creed amongst others demonstrates, the use of logos (and lack of them) is no indicator of exclusivity.