Google code search!!!



The Web search leader said late on Wednesday it is introducing Google Code Search, a site that simplifies how software developers search for programming code to improve existing software or create new programs.

Google product manager Tom Stocky said the Mountain View, California-based company is set to help programmers sift through billions of lines of computer source code using its familiar search box to uncover snippets of reusable software.

Very nice!!!
So how many have done an ego-search for their name in code? :D It'd be tempting to add a poll to the thread.
People put their names into code? :oops:

I have a colleague who names temp/local vars after his ex-gf's, no joke :LOL:
So how many have done an ego-search for their name in code? :D It'd be tempting to add a poll to the thread.

;) I did, turned up on my own stuff, as well as Io.

Phew, that probably means I don't suffer from code schizophrenia or sleep coding... ;)
People put their names into code? :oops:

Basically I put things like "Copyright(c) Ping-Che Chen" in front of almost all my codes, except those so bad that I'm too embarassed to put my name in them :)
So how many have done an ego-search for their name in code? :D It'd be tempting to add a poll to the thread.

Didn't search on name, but... A search of wtf yielded 28800 hits... :LOL:
Hmm, interesting. They have obviously found my code. They are even digging code right out of the zip files from sites. I suspect not everyone will be happy about this. Not sure what opinion to have about that. I guess one argument would be that people will just get my files right out of google without even visiting my site. Or one could argue that more coders will find my site by googling for relevant code.
I was actually quite impressed they found our entries to the Beyond3D / ATI Shader competition...

On the not so bright side, plenty of people have put stuff like Wordpress database passwords or similar in backup-archives or version control, which Google now turns up... But then, I'm all for "no security through obscurity".
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They are even digging code right out of the zip files from sites. I suspect not everyone will be happy about this. Not sure what opinion to have about that.
If you put files on a public webserver without password protecting them then expect that anyone can access them. If you don't want Google (or search engines) to index the files then create a robots.txt file with appropriate entries.
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* Author's *     \_  (__\      \_°v°_/     * *
*   note   *     //   \\       //   \\     * ICQ #47010716    *
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Brilliant! :LOL:
Pfft searching for Colourless doesnt produce many meaningful results because colourless seems to be a word used quite a bit in normal code... though a few of the top hits are mine.