Gigantic Apes Coexisted with Early Humans, Study Finds

I guess they will have to make the new Alliance race Pandaren after all, then... </WoW reference>
Deepak said:
A gigantic ape standing 10 feet tall and weighing up to 1,200 pounds lived alongside humans for over a million years, according to a new study.

A related species can be found roaming the streets of Bracknell
Powderkeg said:
Bamboo poo from a 1200lb ape....

Thank god they are extinct.
If you think poo from a 1200 pound ape is bad, think of what a 12.000 kilogram bull african elephant produces daily... Particulary considering most of what these things eat passes through them undigested. Yuk. :D
From current perspective.... their size didnt help them much, my guess is that it even forced them into evolution corner. While humans had to develop inteligance to survive, they had size, strength and no need for inteligance to survive.....

Evolution at its best....
Seeing what we're doing to this planet greatly makes me question the level of intelligence of the people inhabiting it..................

Don't you?
Selfishness is probably a survival trait that served us well in the past. And I don't think living in a cave somewhere, in harmony with nature(and parasites) and eating crap and living to be 30 if you are especially lucky is a particularilly clever choice from a selfish point of view either.
Guden Oden said:
Seeing what we're doing to this planet greatly makes me question the level of intelligence of the people inhabiting it..................

Don't you?

well.... we are products of evolution and nature.... sooner or later some species would develop intelligence in order to survive..... humans were first there, cause they were acctually _NOT_ that well adopted to their habitat.... they were slow, small and weak and by natural selection the best ones survived, ones with higher inteligence....

thats what got us ahead of other species. simple.

our deciosions later come from what we learned... and thats also simple, we have to stay on top in order to survive.....
Guden Oden said:
Seeing what we're doing to this planet greatly makes me question the level of intelligence of the people inhabiting it..................
Well, I think that human society is at the point where genetic evolution plays little, if any, part in our advancement. Our advancement now relies far more upon the evolution of our society.

Individual intelligence, I believe, varies vastly too much from person to person for most of it to be due to genetics (people with genetic defects aside). I presonally feel that environmental factors are the primary determination of intelligence, which in turn means that our culture and society must evolve dramatically for the race of humans as a whole to be considered intelligent.

Some anecdotal evidence for this is found in looking at nations around the world. Comparing the United States to, for example, Somalia might lead one to the conclusion that the society of the US is more intelligent than that of Somalia (In the US there's more education, more stability, better quality of life, etc.), even though it is highly unlikely that the citizens of the US are more genetically disposed to intelligence.

So, in my mind, humans are only intelligent in that we each have an individual capacity for intelligence. The unfortunate thing is that few become intelligent due to societal factors.