GeForce 6300 - TC


I read TH's VGA Charts just now and they mention an upcoming GF 6300 TC, anyone here that knows more about that card ?

'In the low-budget segment, you may also notice the absence of ATi's Radeon X300 SE (with a 64-bit memory interface) and NVIDIA's new GeForce 6300-TC cards with TurboCache. Although the latter card was available to us for testing, the driver supplied by NVIDIA supported only the GeForce 6200-TC cards, and no other models. Therefore, an apples-to-apples comparison without "driver hacks" is impossible at the moment.

Oh, btw, i stumbled on this while looking for some info about the 6300:

The GMA 900's lack of shader power has a devastating impact on performance, and it's rare that pixel shader effects are even displayed correctly. To make matters worse, the GMA isn't detected as a DirectX 9 graphics option by some games.

I guess that the developers are REALLY happy about the GMA900.
Bjorn said:
I read TH's VGA Charts just now and they mention an upcoming GF 6300 TC, anyone here that knows more about that card ?

'In the low-budget segment, you may also notice the absence of ATi's Radeon X300 SE (with a 64-bit memory interface) and NVIDIA's new GeForce 6300-TC cards with TurboCache. Although the latter card was available to us for testing, the driver supplied by NVIDIA supported only the GeForce 6200-TC cards, and no other models. Therefore, an apples-to-apples comparison without "driver hacks" is impossible at the moment.

I think that's nothing more than a typo. I believe the drivers Nvidia sent out for the 6200TC launch would work with the 6200TC only, and required a "hack" to work with any other cards.

From Hexus
NVIDIA's latest 71.20 driver helps with the testing. They helpfully crippled it to only work with 6200 TurboCache and not any of their other gigantic range of products, but some addition of the right device IDs saw it install fine on the NV43-based 6200.