From big screen to DVD, shrinking window.



One side is ready to boycott. Another is making peace offerings.

The topic on everyone's mind but nobody's lips: the incredible shrinking window between a film's theatrical opening and its release on DVD.

The factions -- exhibitors, indie distribs and the major studios -- don't want to talk about it, but all sides agree: The rules are quickly changing and something needs to be done -- fast.

Last year, studios waited an average of four months and 16 days to release theatrical pics on DVD. But the window is getting shorter and shorter; one studio chief predicts it could dwindle just two months, or even fewer for box-office flops.

If the window keeps shrinking, it could rattle the foundations of the film bizbiz.
I found the article fascinating, I'd been wondering about that.
"It has been our policy that we do not exhibit films that are being simultaneously released on DVD, video or pay TV," says Regal Entertainment Group senior VP of marketing Dick Westerling. "And we do not anticipate changing that policy."

That caught my eye. I'd still never really given it much thought.

Might be interesting to change though, you know? What if you weren't sure about a new movie, so you watched it at home first, discovered you liked it enough to see again, and wanted the theater experience? On the other hand, I feel like it would only work for Action/Sci-Fi/Things-go-boom movies.
I have never seen a movie that would make me go to a theater to see it a second time. (Regardless of wether the first time was on TV or on the theater.)
I would go more to the cinemas if it didn't cost a fucking arm and a leg for a damn ticket. Now I figure I'll just get the film on DVD directly instead, which while more expensive compared to a ticket, would mean I actually save money compared to a ticket + the DVD. :D

Of course, I've bought a stinker or two this way (can you say "bruce almighty"?), but hey. That's life.
It's not the price of the movies that bugs me, it's the actual theatres.

It must be just local, but the image quality on the screen varies from decent to fuzzy. I see all the imperfections on the screen behind the image and generally speaking the sound is just too damned loud!

That and people talk too much and give me too many funny looks if I light up a bat. :rolleyes:
Guden Oden said:
I would go more to the cinemas if it didn't cost a fucking arm and a leg for a damn ticket. Now I figure I'll just get the film on DVD directly instead, which while more expensive compared to a ticket, would mean I actually save money compared to a ticket + the DVD. :D

Of course, I've bought a stinker or two this way (can you say "bruce almighty"?), but hey. That's life.

well, you can always check the film using p2p (cant wait for knights in shining armor to comment on this one) ;)
Basic said:
I have never seen a movie that would make me go to a theater to see it a second time. (Regardless of wether the first time was on TV or on the theater.)
Star Wars, the original back in '76.

I saw it opening night, then the next day, then the next weekend, and quite a few times after that. Actually used to sit thru more than one showing of it.

("Which is illegal too, yes I do realize that", the Dig adds hastily before he's swarmed with the ranks of the righteous.)