Dutch police catching ''terrorists'' (pictures)

source: http://www.geenstijl.nl/mt/archieven/866191.html#more

site translation


8 May 2007, a quite, almost rainy day in Nijmegen. As usuall streets are broken open. This time its the Heyendaalseweg turn, a important connection between the city and the university. Nothing going on. Hey, look, a student riding his bike...


But wait! we see to gentleman hiding themselves, sneaky behind a corner. They got their finebook (proper english word?) in their hand. What are they doing?


Ah, as though they are about to fine the poor students that have to ride the pedestrian area for a small piece because the road's gone.


Write, write, fine, fine


''so, only 3 hours left and we've got our fine quote for the rest of the year. Ofcourse I could stand at the beginning of the street to point people on the potential dangers of riding your bike on the sidewalk and earn some respect with that, but this way I can be much more of a shithead.''


This really is forbidden, mister.

Next week we'll have another newsmessage about the police complaining how they aint getting any R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Wonder why that is :')

Really, how pathetic can you be? I'm ashemed being Dutch seeing losers like this supposed to be ''my best friend''.
So take another street to ride your bike on.

Being lazy and riding on the sidewalk just because there's construction on THIS street isn't an excuse. You walk on the sidewalk. That's what it's there for. People have to be able to walk somewhere where tehy don't risk getting run down.

Bikes move too fast to mix in with pedestrians and baby carriages and whatnot.

So to any whiners: quit complaining (because you got rightfully busted) and sharpen up your act. :p

Maybe next you'll complain and cry crocodile tears about getting busted running a red light or driving the wrong way down a one-way street or ignoring a stop sign and how it wasn't your fault at all but rather the evil nasty cops who caught you doing something illegal?
They're supposed to ride in the busted street? I thought the Dutch were cool. :???:

Dutch are, but the police here are a bunch of good for nothing.

So take another street to ride your bike on.

Being lazy and riding on the sidewalk just because there's construction on THIS street isn't an excuse. You walk on the sidewalk. That's what it's there for. People have to be able to walk somewhere where tehy don't risk getting run down.

Bikes move too fast to mix in with pedestrians and baby carriages and whatnot.

So to any whiners: quit complaining (because you got rightfully busted) and sharpen up your act. :p

Yes but often you cant reallt ake another road unless you want to ride alot longer way. And the people wernt cycling fast and people here usually watch out very good if there are pedestrians on the streets. Yes its illigal, but its totally useless to give people fines for it. The whole point is that the police here is very good at giving people fines for the smallest offenses but if they see 20 people beat the crap out of 1 person they make sure they dont get in the way because they are scared to get hurt. People here view the police as nothing else as a other way of the gouvernment to make another buck of them because you rarely hear the police doing something usefull.
a major problem is a lot of dutch streets are crap, u will see them rip up the roads + then re-lay the bricks on the sand + then come + do the same thing again next year + the year after, paid unemployment
Yes but often you cant reallt ake another road unless you want to ride alot longer way.
Oh cry me a river will you.. So you're lazy - that's no excuse EITHER.

And the people wernt cycling fast and people here usually watch out very good if there are pedestrians on the streets.
Well they didn't spot the cops around the corner now did they? This argument doesn't hold water because you can't guarantee all bikers will ride slowly and carefully and you KNOW some won't because people really don't care much except for their own convenience - luike you yourself is showing here for example.

That a kid in a stroller might get hurt because you ride yoru bike on the sidewalk doesn't matter as much as that you'll save two and a half minutes by not going around the construction site on a different street.
a major problem is a lot of dutch streets are crap, u will see them rip up the roads + then re-lay the bricks on the sand + then come + do the same thing again next year + the year after, paid unemployment

Yea. But I heard they do that because of the soft soil. The first time they lay the bricks they will sink alot because of the sand below them is still soft, so they need to relay them the next year before they lay good.

Oh cry me a river will you.. So you're lazy - that's no excuse EITHER.

Why do you call me lazy? I didnt even ride my bike on that road.

Well they didn't spot the cops around the corner now did they? This argument doesn't hold water because you can't guarantee all bikers will ride slowly and carefully and you KNOW some won't because people really don't care much except for their own convenience - luike you yourself is showing here for example.

Having lived in holland for the past 20 years, riding my bike for something like the last 15 years I think its pretty safe to say that I know this wont cause any real danger. There is no reason for the police to give everybody a 30 euro fine when theyre are plenty of real criminals to catch. But our police force are a bunch of NSB'ers who enjoy screwing the average citizen and are to afraid to do whay a real police officer is supposed to do.

My 2 kid brothers had do do social service work a few years ago (I believe my oldest little brother was 14 at most at that time) because they were fireing some innocent firecrackers the day after new years eve (you are only allowed to use fireworks on newyears eve in holland but just about everyone fires some remaining things the day afters). What kind of moron police officer are you if you are going to arrest to little kids for such a minor thing? they didnt even gave them a warning, but just arrested them.

Police are here to catch criminals, not to give the gouvernment extra tax income because thats basically the only thing Dutch police is good at.