Doom3 benchmarking

Apologies if this is somewhat off topic, but my impression is that this particualr forum gets the traffic I'm after, so here goes:

Has anyone seen or know of a good guide on how to benchmark Doom 3?

Okay, there's a timdemo provided (demo1.demo) which I have been able to run, but I am finding that peprformance is stuttery on the X800 XT I am using - it seems to run fine for a few seconds then grind to a near halt before speeding up. all rather strange.
I'd starting typing out stuff to post for a new thread to be entitled "DOOM3 FAQs and Tips -- The Official Thread Here" that covers well, faqs and other stuff, including benchmarking. But I got tired. And frustrated coz I can't verify what I typed (don't have the game).

Tomorrow. As it is, "timedemo" is strictly for graphics rendering stats (something B3D is all about). It will give fps stats that are faster than actual gameplay.
Reverend said:
Do yourself a favor, play the game and enjoy it before you feel all obligated to post up a lot about it.

That's what I'm doing with this one, I want to just enjoy it for its own sake the first time only get one time to play it the first time.

Tweaks and such I'm posting as I find them, but now that I found my rig's sweet spot I just intend to play it thru before I go nuts trying to tweak it.

Seriously, don't forget to take the time to enjoy getting the crap scared out of you before you analyse it. ;)
Hmm I think Reverend means Dave (remember that blurb about nVidia still liking B3D?).