Does M$ need a direct GT4 competitor?


GT3 sold a boat load of PS2's. GT4 is going to sell yet more PS2's. In comparison Sega GT 2002 is plain mediocre. It's plain to see that for the makers of GT3/4, cars are an obsession. I have Rallisport for XBOX and that's pretty good, but limited in both scope and handling. PGR and likely PGR2 are pretty pieces of fluff.

Does anyone else think that MS could really use a racer of the same depth and breadth as the GT series?

Calling PGR and PGR2 pieces of fluff is sort of funny. The games offer gameplay in an arcade style that a game like Gran Turismo would fail miserably at delivering. It might not be more of the simulator, but the games are still fun and have their own quirks.

Rallisport is far from limited in scope, it does what it does very well. It's meant to be a rally game and a rally game that is simply awesome. I can't wait for a sequel. The game is a simulator that comes off and plays much better than GT3's offerings. It's also a lot more fun for those looking to enjoy their games without having to worry about all the modifications and such.

I will also disagree with you on Sega GT 2k2. It was SEGA's answer to the Gran Turismo series and has since failed miserably and is less than stellar. If they had developed the car designing aspect of the first game and kept it in the 2nd then it might have had a little more to stand out on. As it stands now, the game is less than mediocre and needs a serious kick in the ass for it to ever be comparable to Gran Turismo anything.

The Xbox is doing fairly well for the devs making games for the system, but I don't know if a project as big as Gran Turismo would bode well on the system. It seems most Xbox owners prefer arcade type racing games so the game probably wouldn't sell amazingly well to begin with. Going into the future it would be a good idea if MS can come up with something for Xbox 2 that could be an answer to GT5 on PS3.
If sega took what they have in GT 2002, add more cars, tracks and modifications, reintroduced the car factory and tweaked the physics for more realism, I think it'd definately be a good competitor for the GT series. It wouldn't quite be there, but they'd be much closer, which means the next version of the game could leap frog GT5.
GT* is still party an arcade racer. I mean, comparing it to NASCAR, the car simulation feels totally arcade. Sure, the modeled the cars suspension and engine, and road, but the level of detail in the model is no where near the complexity of NASCAR.
GT* is still party an arcade racer. I mean, comparing it to NASCAR, the car simulation feels totally arcade. Sure, the modeled the cars suspension and engine, and road, but the level of detail in the model is no where near the complexity of NASCAR.

Agreed. Although, wasn't NASCAR's realism toned down from Grand Prix Legends?
Well, judging from the huge ammount of racing games on Xbox, it certainly seems like MS has been looking for one...
Yeah, it's very obvious with how much care and passion PD approaches their games. Competing with that, and the amount of funding they have is certainly not easy.

The game is a simulator that comes off and plays much better than GT3's offerings.
I couldn't disagree more. Rally mode in GT3 was 10x more fun than RSC for me. I just could never get into RSCs driving model, they whole thing felt way less smooth than I wanted it to be.

I mean, comparing it to NASCAR, the car simulation feels totally arcade.
This has been debated so many times already, and IMO, making a completely realistic game that you play in a completely unrealistic environment (in front of your TV) makes little sense. I think GT3 does what it does very well (that is - if you drive *correctly* cars behave in a very respectful way), and some of the professional drivers certainly agree with that :)
The reason I was going to buy a PS2 (but didn't) was that GT3 was a visually pleasing racer, that is, the real-time CG is one of the most realistic. If you forgot I got a Xbox instead because a store clerk said The graphics of PGR was better than that of GT3. I consider Rallisport Challenge to be another game with eexcellent CG. And Wreckless, although ONLY in the graphics depatment. And Apex (Racing Evolucione) I consider to have the best graphics.

BTW did anyone get Pro Racing Driver for the Xbox? What is your opinion of it? I stayed away from it because some were saying it doesn't have the best real-time CG. It that so?
BTW did anyone get Pro Racing Driver for the Xbox? What is your opinion of it? I stayed away from it because some were saying it doesn't have the best real-time CG. It that so?

It got an A for Effort, but the driving model pissed the hell out of me. IE: If you don't take the turn 'just right', your wheels lock and you drive straight off the course and into a wall. Maybe its just me.. I could never drive properly in GT, but was a Pro in Sega GT/RSC. Go figure. 20 cars on the track at once was pretty fricking cool though.