Die Hard 4

While doing the promo rounds for his new action thriller Hostage in London, Bruce Willis told the BBC that a fourth "Die Hard" movie is moving ahead.

"'Die Hard 4.0' is being written as we speak, and if all goes well we'll be shooting it in Autumn on the east coast of the United States."

As he previously said, he added that "John McClane has retired as a cop, and that's all that Fox have allowed me to tell you about it."

News Source: ComingSoon

Somebody pointed this out to me a few days ago .. and I was meant to post it here earlier. Better latter than never I suppose.

Yippee Kayay Motherf**ker.

Hehehe, yeah, I agree... Now they just need to bring Dirty Harry out of retirement too for some magnum caliber diplomacy. :D That'd been great!
Well, Clint Eastwood is too old and I just can't think of anyone else capable of playing the role...