Didn't I just say this a few days ago?




And then at bottom of story-
Russia told the talks on Thursday that hopes of big economic benefits were "illusory." It has also said that warmer weather might help extend farm areas north towards Siberia. Diplomats say Russia may want membership of the World Trade Organization as a price for ratification.

Without Russia, Kyoto will collapse because it needs backing by nations accounting for 55 percent of emissions of carbon dioxide to start. So far it has reached 44 percent and needs Russia's 17 in the absence of a U.S. stake of 36 percent.

So Kyoto does suck.
The issue many people had when the bush administration took us out of kyoto was that they promised an alternative plan at the time that would be better than kyoto. In the 2.5 years since that decision, there has been nary a peep. The situation has simply been ignored. There are problems with Kyoto, but that's what diplomatic discussions are for. You don't just leave the table and never return, as this administration did 2.5 years ago.
And russias deserts may expand too... Even if climate change isnt the end of the world it may force massive changes as to where and how people live.

Im not ready to say what climate change may brnig... but it should be the kind of thing we should allocate massive investments to investigate and monitor. The idea something as vital as the gulf stream has but one measly buoy to keep measurements of temp current speeds and salinity is upsetting. It doesnt take much to stop or start an ice age... As far as we know. But the changes they bring are rapid and catastrophic.
You cannot stop an Ice Age..I think at best you can delay it.

Still no excuse for polluting the earth to the extent humans do if there are alternatives...
Delegates said that Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest oil exporter, wanted promises of aid if Kyoto spurs a shift to renewable energies like tidal, solar or wind energy at the expense of fossil fuels.

This is the topic I really wanted to type about. What do you think?
Kinda silly. Their fossil fuels will ALWAYS still be desired for one reason or another in one country or another, and finite anyway--they rather countries be entirely beholden to oil, and then the moment it's drying up the world hits an enormous energy crisis or fights over what reserves are left, likely harming Sauda Arabia in the process? It might lower their proceeds a bit, which mainly just means the ruling families can't latch onto quite as much to add to their umpteen billions already. :rolleyes:
Kinda scary to hear you US peeps bash the kyoto treaty. Global warming is probably the biggest threat this planet will ever face, short of a full nuclear war.

The mediterranean might see temperatures of around 35 degrees C. Northern Africa, upwards of fifty degrees, and god knows how much further south around the tropical circles. How are humans supposed to live under such conditions? It will lead to mass migration as farming might get next to impossible in many areas of the world, and entire species of plants, animals and insects would be eradicated too.

It's not just the warming effects that will screw things up either. Warmer air makes more water evaporate, so rain storms will be more frequent. Warmer air also holds MORE moisture, so said storms will be much more potent as well. Tornados, cyclones, torrential rains etc, all will get a good kick in the pants, power-wise. River valleys would get routinely flooded, entire cities will have to be abandoned. Soil erosion will reach new all-time highs etc.

So you guys think about that when you drive around alone in your 2.5-tonne, 350HP SUVs. Cheap gas and big cars aren't a part of the human rights you know.

Grall I'm all for cleaner fuel and factorys and what not . But how do we know that this isn't a natural cycle of the earth .

Cheap gas and big cars aren't a part of the human rights you know.
Neither is the exsitance of man.

I am a US peep and I support what was attempted with Kyoto.

Legion, Silent_One, Joe,

I'll repost this with bolds to make sure the most pertinent parts weren't glossed over in your replies, as it seems to have been.

Natoma said:
The issue many people had when the bush administration took us out of kyoto was that they promised an alternative plan at the time that would be better than kyoto. In the 2.5 years since that decision, there has been nary a peep. The situation has simply been ignored. There are problems with Kyoto, but that's what diplomatic discussions are for. You don't just leave the table and never return, as this administration did 2.5 years ago.

p.s.: Legion, you won't be around in 100 years to see whether or not the hundreds of scientists around the world who believe in global warming and have signed off on it are right. No, none of us here will be around in 100 years will we? It's not our problem. It's the problem of future generations.

Not based on sound science? Well it doesn't matter to you which way or another whether that actually turns out to be true or not does it? The point of all of this is preventative care.