london-boy said:do we really need FMV's on handhelds?
and with the power this thing is supposed to have, would it not be better to just stick to real time cut scenes?
current generation consoles can already get away with real time cut scenes...
of course FMV will always look better but we're talking about a handheld here...
who's speaking of FMV? 1.8 GB is over 7 times more capacity than a 256MB ROM cartridge will give developers. Not only that, but it's a given that a UMD will be cheaper than any cartridge will ever be. What we're speaking about here is FREEDOM - having memory to do what ever you want. So yeah, why not FMVs if you have the space to store it?
Back then in the SNES days, no one thought FMVs were needed, yet they came due to space being there. It's the advancement of technology. Fact is, if Nintendo goes with cartridges, their most likely behind in technology AGAIN - if they don't, they're damned to give up their backwards compatibility (at least, if they don't find a cheap solution to get those old cartridges of GB(A) games to work.