From the twitter account of FourZeroTwo, Infinity Ward's community manager:
My mind boggles... so simple, so genial... why did nobody think of this before? Activision are on a quest to fill our houses with $99 pieces of plastic, and I'll personally curse them all the way to the preorder button. First the plastic guitars, then the Tony Hawk board (which is essentially Wii balance board for boys), then this... They deserve to own the industry - or at least whatever breadcrumbs Nintendo leaves on the table.
FourZeroTwo said:In a design meeting for a #MW2 controller. Need your advice - Concave or Convex grips for the Analog sticks? Whats your preference and why?
My mind boggles... so simple, so genial... why did nobody think of this before? Activision are on a quest to fill our houses with $99 pieces of plastic, and I'll personally curse them all the way to the preorder button. First the plastic guitars, then the Tony Hawk board (which is essentially Wii balance board for boys), then this... They deserve to own the industry - or at least whatever breadcrumbs Nintendo leaves on the table.