I'm starting to compile a list of Systems and their power draw and operating temperatures. 'm using the same devices on all systems and I'm keeping the ambient temperature the same. All tests were done 1 hour into the play time of the system.
I used a Kill a watt p3 for the electrical readings. For the temp, I placed the sensor at the hottest point of the console. For the ps3 its at the rear vents next to the serial codes. For the 360 its about 2inchs from the power plug right as the rear of the console starts to curve inward.
I have access to a wii , a 80 gig ps3 , a 60 gig ps3 and a zelphalr elite 360. I will start getting these numbers over the next week or so.
I used a Kill a watt p3 for the electrical readings. For the temp, I placed the sensor at the hottest point of the console. For the ps3 its at the rear vents next to the serial codes. For the 360 its about 2inchs from the power plug right as the rear of the console starts to curve inward.
[DVD playback (Ducktales DVD)
Volts Amps Watts VA PF
PS3 40GB 117.3 1.27 148W 149 .99
360 60GB 110 1.25 81W 138 .59
360 20GB 110? 1.72 111W 189? .59
[Blu-ray playback , Sarah Connor Chronicles]
PS3 40 GB Volts Amps Watts VA PF Temp
118.2 1.16 134 52.1
Gaming (PS3 Resistance, 360 Gears of War)
Volts Amps Watts VA PF Temp
PS3 40GB 117.3 1.27 142W 149 .95
360 60GB 112.4 1.52 101W 171 .59 38.8C
360 20GB 112.4 2.40 160W 270 .59
Folding ----Temp----
Watts 1hr 8hr
PS3 40GB 157 49.1C 54.2C
PS3 40GB (w/screen saver) 132
I have access to a wii , a 80 gig ps3 , a 60 gig ps3 and a zelphalr elite 360. I will start getting these numbers over the next week or so.
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