Creative interview on a Norwegian site


Creative speaks of NV30.

Creative: "Vi vet ikke enda om det vil hete GeForce 5 eller om det blir snakk om et helt nytt produktnavn, men NV30 er heftige saker som i hvertfall vil legge Radeon 9700 i grus, lover Leyden. "

My tranlation: We dont now yet what it will be called, GeForce5 or if it will have a brand new product name. But NV30 is hot stuff that will rape the Radeon9700"
(Actually the last part is not correct, but its norwegian and does not make mush sense translating directly to english, but anyway, it have the same meaning :)

Creative: "Vi regner med våre nye produkter basert på NV30 og NV31 vil ha full penetrasjon på massemarkedet neste år. Frem mot det er vi derimot ikke helt sikre på om vi vil lansere AGP8X-versjoner av GeForce 4-kortene våre eller ikke, legger han til."

My translation: We belive our new product based on NV30 and NV31 will reach mass marked with full force next year. We are not sure we will release the AGP8x version of the GeForce4.

Please excuse my bad english, but I think you will get the point :)
MistaPi said:
Creative speaks of NV30.

My tranlation: We dont now yet what it will be called, GeForce5 or if it will have a brand new product name. But NV30 is hot stuff that will rape the Radeon9700"
(Actually the last part is not correct, but its norwegian and does not make mush sense translating directly to english, but anyway, it have the same meaning :)

This just kind of seems like a stupid fanboy comment from a PR guy. They don't know any better than anyone else how fast it will be. This thread is pointless.
Well, I would suppose that if anyone is going to get real info up front, it's going to be NVidia's partners. Granted, that may just currently be just an NVidia powerpoint with the NV30 specs, but that can tell you alot.

I have a feeling that the NV30 won't be much on DX7/DX8 games, but when executing 30+ instruction pixel shaders, it might smoke the R300. As such, it won't impress in game benchmarks like Q3, but will do really well in shading benchmarks, content creation (maya/3dstudio/etc), and any hacked up DX9 titles from some developer trying to be first out of the gate.

Basically, they seem to be going for shader execution speed from all the public comments.
MistaPi said:
But NV30 is hot stuff that will rape the Radeon9700

I've checked my 9700 - there's no raping port.
So is this a proprietary NVIDIA extension ?

(sorry, couldn't resist)