Chalnoth is right; you don't get dumber as you age.


Retarded moron

Before anyone asks, I have no idea what all this means. :D

"They examined neurons that extend fibers (called axons) to send signals to a brain region called the cerebellum, which helps coordinate movements and sensory information. Like a growing tree, these axons have a primary trunk that runs upward and several smaller branches that sprout out to the sides. But while the main trunk was firmly connected to other target neurons in the cerebellum, stationary as adult axons are generally thought to be, 'the side branches swayed like kite tails in the wind,' says Linden. Over the course of a few hours, individual side branches would elongate, retract and morph in a highly dynamic fashion. These side branches also failed to make conventional connections, or synapses, with adjacent neurons. Furthermore, when a drug was given that produced strong electrical currents in the axons, the motion of the side branches stalled.'"
Well its an interesting research if anything; I do understand the terms used and what exactly is tried to be told by the researchers; though I do not understand the last part about the drug which stalls the motion of the side branches or the final conclusion of the findings.....

Hey, cut me some slack, I'm only 15 right now, I still have much to study regarding science....:)
Chalnoth is right; you don't get dumber as you age.
Maybe not with age, but being woken 2 or 3 times a night for a several months certainly does. <yawn>