Cell Computing Symposium at SIGGRAPH

Carl B

Friends call me xbd
To whom it may concern...


...Scheduled to be held this July 29th and 30th at one of the industry's largest graphics conferences - SIGGRAPH 2006 - the First International Symposium on Cell Computing has been created to help bring prominent industry personas together to discuss the Cell BE architecture, and to help symposium attendees with their understanding of how this new architecture might best be leveraged in their own projects.

Organized by Yahya Mirza of Aurora Borealis Software, the event is being co-chaired by IBM Cell chief design architect James Kahle and SCE VP of US Research and Development Dominic Mallinson. Other prominent committee members include Cell chief scientist Peter Hofstee, Juan Jose Porta of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and Craig Douglas of Princeton University...
slightly-off topic

maybe at this years SIGGRAPH, we'll see one of those multi-TFLOP CELL workstations with a bunch of 8 SPE CELLs and a bunch of RSX's or higher-end Nvidia GPUs, in a sort of "CELL-NVCUBE" ala GSCube in 2000 ;)