Carmack mentions Wavey in post

I just read that book recently, and while I enjoyed most of it, I found the chapter on the theories about the emergence of DNA extremely "hand wavey". The clay mineral culture idea was only presented as one possibility, but it didn't sound very convincing. If anyone has pointers to more compelling theories, I would be interested in reading them.

I always hated biology / life science in school because most of it was name memorization, but at the molecular biology level, it all starts looking digital...

Keerist, is that a Dr. Frankenstein moment, or what? :LOL:

I suddenly had this vision of me calling up the Dept. of Homeland Security and trying to convince them how much danger the human race is now in.

Me: "C-A-R-M-A-C-K. Yeah, ask your 13 yr old kid. Look lady, his initials are "JC" for a reason, and he just figured out how to make his human-eating disembowel-for-fun monsters *for real* rather than just out of 0s and 1s. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid."