"Bungie Update: new game nearing completion?"


Spider_Jerusalem said:
IP stuff is actually kind of busy too, with new action figures on the way, an as yet-unrevealed but AWESOME project nearing completion (more on that in a month or two)

Wow, they really have produced a new game, which is nearing completion, without any leaks at all about it? Incredible, I'd say...

What will it be? Halo 3 or a new IP? The mysterious Phoenix project maybe? I guess it will be unveiled during X05. And I'm wondering what "nearing completion" means... will it be ready for X360 launch window?
[source: http://www.ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=58433 ]
I read that as further detail on the toys or miscellaneous things. *shrug* I mean, he already mentioned,

Work is proceeding apace on our next project, whatever that may be.

right before that entire sentence.
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Alstrong said:
I read that as further detail on the toys or miscellaneous things. *shrug* I mean, he already mentioned,

right before that entire sentence.
now that I think about it .. you're probably correct.. :-?