Blast from the past: La Linea!

If you never saw this cartoon when you were young(er) you're in for a treat!

Yes, it's in Italian, but you don't really need to understand the language to 'get' what the guy is saying.

He seems to be kind of like Donald Duck back in the day. Irritable, rude, mood swings etc.. Hehe!

Please not ethe subtle use of background color to emphasise the guy's feelings! Very sharply done, IMO.
Yeah. Those used to be on TV here to. Quite brilliant in all their simplicity. Thanks for the link!

I always used to think 'the hand' was a bit of a dick, though... :smile:
Hehe, I owe La Linea so much.. I got a home made t-shirt with a drawing of him in his "oh well"-hands-to-the-sides pose a couple of years ago, and I have had drunken grown men spot me from across the street and more or less chase me to ask where they can get one. Others take notice aswell :)

In Norway, it used to be on in the daily half hour of "children's TV" among other cartoons when I was younger, but has probably been aired before and after.
