Bladerunner: The Final Cut Interview

It's nearly here! Here's a Wired interview with Ridley Scott on the upcoming Bladerunner Final Cut.
As the millennium turned, he continued polishing: erasing stray f/x wires, trimming shots originally extended to accommodate the voice-over, even rebuilding a scene in which the stunt double was obvious. Now he's ready to release Blade Runner: The Final Cut, which will hit theaters in Los Angeles and New York in October, with a DVD to follow in December.
Strange some may think but I acutally preferred the version with the voice-over. It explains more about the bladerunner world and the people in it.

Besides, Ford's got a good voice for stuff like that IMO..
Strange some may think but I acutally preferred the version with the voice-over. It explains more about the bladerunner world and the people in it.

Besides, Ford's got a good voice for stuff like that IMO..

Ford has said many times that he hated the voice-over, and did it as badly as he could in the hope the studio wouldn't use it.

Personally I prefer it without the voice-over. The hackneyd Philip Marlow style speil is out of place in a film that otherwise pulls you into a new world. I can see what's going on, I don't need the main character to narrate it to me like one of those annoying people sitting behind you in the cinema that repeats everything that happens on screen to his idiot companion.
Fprd may ahve wanted to do it badly, but I still think it sounds OK.

I guess I'm just rather oldschool, I really liked the old 80s detective shows like Magnum P.I. and Mike Hammer etc where the main character has a running commentary throughout the episode inbetween major scenes. Blade Runner had roughly the same 'feel' to me.

I'm not really knocking the voice-over-less version but I did see the one with voice-over first so it's sort of like with the Star Wars movies for me; the original ones with crappy rubber puppet characters in it from '77 and the new one from what, 97, with crappy CGI charactwrs in it.

People old enough tend to prefer the first one for some reason. :cool:
But, it's a taste thing. Some want it one way and others another way. Finew ith me.

I also like the voice-over. Dunno, it gives some background information and IMO it sets the appropriate tone for the film. Plus, that version doesn't have the campy unicorn dream.
I love all the versions, a great movie is a great movie. One of my favs, looking forward to this although I own the old director's cut or what it was called.
Absolutely hated the voice over. If you use that sort of narrative technique in a movie it should be reflecting, not commenting. I have eyes in my head, I can see what goes on in the movie thank you very much.

That and the Disney ending of the original really detracts. The cinematography is still top notch, as is the dark and gritty story up until the ending.

The director's cut version fixed all that.
