Best Buy Official 2nd Shipment - Min 10/store (canada)

Of all people the 50year old network admin in my office dropped by and gave me the tip!

I was like, "I just told you about the 360 last week! now you're getting news faster than me?" He doesn't even play video games, lol

But ya, looks like the campers will get a 2nd round of fun....shitty that the temp's just fuckin plummeted, camped out at -25? No thanks...
scooby_dooby said:
Of all people the 50year old network admin in my office dropped by and gave me the tip!

I was like, "I just told you about the 360 last week! now you're getting news faster than me?" He doesn't even play video games, lol

But ya, looks like the campers will get a 2nd round of fun....shitty that the temp's just fuckin plummeted, camped out at -25? No thanks...

Yea, it's friggin cold here too. No chance in camping for me; I'll swing by before work and hope for ignorance on the normal consumer's part -- maybe there won't be lines?
scooby_dooby said:
But ya, looks like the campers will get a 2nd round of fun....shitty that the temp's just fuckin plummeted, camped out at -25? No thanks...

It just helps out in deciding who gets the X360. It's almost like evolution. :LOL:
Alstrong said:
It just helps out in deciding who gets the X360. It's almost like evolution. :LOL:

lol! totally...

btw - I hear rumblings that bestbuy in the US will be doing the same thing on the 18th, min 20/store, should be in the flyer coming out on the 11th.

sounds like a lot of units are comin in...

do you know if Futureshop is gettin the same deal with 10 per store (seeing as they are part of Best Buy now...) ?

It'd be nice if there were 10 at the Calgary Trail FutureShop and then 10 right next door at South Common's BestBuy. :D
I went to Target in my area yesterday and they said that there was a rumor that they would get another shipment by the 12th of Dec. or sometime next week. I'm still debating whether to get one now or wait. Initially I wasn't going to buy one since I didn't have the cash but now that I got my Christmas bonus that has changed. :D
Alstrong said:

sounds like a lot of units are comin in...

do you know if Futureshop is gettin the same deal with 10 per store (seeing as they are part of Best Buy now...) ?

It'd be nice if there were 10 at the Calgary Trail FutureShop and then 10 right next door at South Common's BestBuy. :D

Futureshop SHOULD since they are the official retailer for canada, like BB is for the states.