B3D, help me with another round of opinions on GoForce 4500.


This time, it's about this screen shot:


Knowing what you've read about the GoF4500, does that pic look like a legit realtime shot or is it more PR pre-rendered shenanigans? The Tapwave Zodiac contingency at a pda forum has ruled that it's a pre-rendered PR BS (Yes, I might have been semi-trolling about the Gizmondo and the 4500 there). ;)

Even though I think the shot is well within the realm of 400Mhz ARM 9 + Go Force 4500's capabilities, I don't have technical background so I might be way off.

Some things to keep in mind. This is how non 3D accellerated version of the same game looks like on the Zodiac:



So what say you B3D? Real or fake?
I can say that my eyes almost fell out when looking at the first shot, from all the aliasing and moire patterns.

Of course can it be real. Trust me if it would had been pre-rendered neither of the forementioned side-effects would be visible on a still screenshot.
I don't see any reason why it would be fake, except maybe resoultion, but 640x480 devices are beoming more common.