ATI @ GDC 2005

Session Track: Visual Arts
Date: Wednesday 9th March 2005
Start & End Time: 4:00pm – 6:15pm (short break at 5:00pm)
Title: Effects Breakdown - How’d They Do That
Speakers: Thorsten Scheuermann, Natalya Tatarchuk, Daniel Ginsburg

As graphics hardware becomes more powerful it has become increasingly difficult for programmers and artists to figure out just what to do with all of it. In this talk, the demo team from ATI describes a number of practical effects from past and future demos that take advantage of leading edge hardware.

Note: This talk overlaps with the booth crawl in the exhibition. To ensure that attendees don’t miss out on valuable drinking time, beer will be provided during the break.
I see Huddy's doing a re-titled "Save the Nanosecond!" thingie. Someone try to get the updated Powerpoint notes again. :LOL:
ZoinKs! said:
Session Track: Visual Arts
Date: Wednesday 9th March 2005
Start & End Time: 4:00pm – 6:15pm (short break at 5:00pm)
Title: Effects Breakdown - How’d They Do That
Note: This talk overlaps with the booth crawl in the exhibition. To ensure that attendees don’t miss out on valuable drinking time, beer will be provided during the break.
I think you mean, "Mmm?"

Maybe they'll be demoing a beer goggle shader.
se_rag said:
Did anyone else find this funny from Richard Huddy's bio on ATI's GDC page

He lives in England and is proud of that fact.

Shouldn't one always be proud of where they live? Millions across the globe every year change their countries. . .

I'd live in the UK for a year if they'd relax their rabies laws (Fat chance). Tho actually getting the cats there would also be very, very interesting. . .
Note: This talk overlaps with the booth crawl in the exhibition. To ensure that attendees don’t miss out on valuable drinking time, beer will be provided during the break.
The true sign of a class act. ;)
ZoinKs! said:
As graphics hardware becomes more powerful it has become increasingly difficult for programmers and artists to figure out just what to do with all of it. In this talk, the demo team from ATI describes a number of practical effects from past and future demos that take advantage of leading edge hardware.

Heh...;) Reminds me of a written quote I read by an EA employee several years ago in the hey-day of the paper game mag, paraphrased as follows:

"The advent of the high-density 1.44mb floppy drive is the most exciting thing to come along that we've seen in a long time. Right now we're sitting around scratching our heads wondering how on earth we're going to be able to fill up all of that space with our upcoming games!"

The lesson is: never fear--they will always find a way to use whatever capacities exist, and then some...;)