Armored Core 4 exclusief voor de PS3?
Armored Core 4 zal als we de site van From software mogen geloven exclusief voor de PS3 verschijnen. Er werdt vanuit gegaan dat de game op een non ps console zou worden uitgebracht, er was zelfs even sprake van een Xbox360 exclusieve. Nu lijkt het toch een PS3 exclusieve te worden.
Original Announcement:
From Software has recently announced that PlayStation 3 version of Armored Core 4 is almost complete and is schedualed to be released on or shortly after the November 11th, 2006 Japanese release of the PlayStation 3. The Xbox 360 ,according to From Software’s official website translated form Japanese, however has been cancelled. The series producer and From Software CEO Naotoshi Zin stated that this decision was due to a recent contract with Sony entertainment to keep the Armored Core series PlayStation 3 exclusive. This move would easily allow the company to produce Armored Core’s first animated movie through Sony Entertainment. Naotoshi Zin also stated that Xbox 360 system would be to complex to develop for even though they have had the dev kits sitting in their lab for almost a year. Armored Core is still slated to be localized in the United States and Europe by Sega.
Well there you go. Which mech game exclusive do you think will be a better game? AC4 or Chromdhounds? Who got the better deal? And which one do you see doing better worldwide?