Anyone else dislike Apple?


What's the big deal with Apple products?

Overpriced..more propriatary and litigation happy than even MS..and that ugly white.

I'm tired of people kissing butt of their design skills. Frankly, trying to copy Apple with that crappy white singlehandedly set the Xbox360's asthetics back a mile. I defy anyone to say a black Xbox360 (dev unit, or with a custom skin or case) doesn't look WAAAAYYY better. Or PS3 doesn't look better, simply because it's black.

And Steve Jobs is a wuss.

I think MS should give consumers a choice, with black and white models. I bet I can guess which one would crush the other in sales..hint it aint the white..

Pic of black Xbox360,4150.htm

I would definitly do this if it didn't void my warranty..and if 360's ever fall to 99 bucks so replacement cost is low if anything goes wrong, I'll do it anyway.
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sonyps35 said:
more propriatary and litigation happy than even MS
more litigious than MS? Thats a first. The only non-necessary lawsuit from them, that i can recall, is the one where they sued some online sites to stop them from leaking pre-launch items. Other than that, I cant think of many others.

I havent owned any apple products, ever. Not my cup of tea, have you owned any of theirs?

I dont really know my MS/Apple litigation history at all. But anyway yah, was thinking about Apple recently suing the blogs.

I'd say more litigious, easily. Apple is just all uppity. Maybe it's because they have a 8 billion monopoly but MS always seems pretty cool (cant wait to get flamed for this!).

Like I look at it, PC's run on an open system, anybody can build a PC. But only Apple can build a Mac. This is more propriatary not less, so I never understood why they're the darling of artsy-fartsy liberals, and probably open-source types. They're less free, people!

I dont know, I think Apple gets too much praise. If not for the Ipod they probably woulda been out of business. And I just dont like their white, girl asthetic and, the praise from it. MS just kissed their butt and designed the 360 to look like an Apple product, Well I say, bleh! I dont like the way Apple products look! How bout that!
Okay, I'm not the biggest fan of Apple, in fact I think the iPod has recently done more to ruin the DAP industry than help it, but you should REALLY and I mean REALLY research your stuff before you start making such claims.

I especially enjoy how you say "artsy fartsy liberals." Guess what, many of these "artsy fartsy liberals" dont even want to use Mac's. Instead they are often forced into it because they go to firms which are Mac only, therefore completely limiting them to Mac only use for their jobs.

As for open source, Linux is the darling of open source, which just so happens to be very open.
Apple sells black iPod and iBook too. Based on some (old) marketing research, white or colorful products are better received than black ones. I think you can find similar quote from Allard. This is why they made it white. Sony picked black to fit into the stereo, home theater stacks.

Apple controls the end-to-end experiences (from software to hardware), so it can guarantee a consistent user experience throughout the products' lifecycles. If anything goes wrong, they are responsible to fix it. In a fully open world, you get more choices but support can be an issue in a complex and changing environment.

Granted, Apple's desktop experiences and especially the mouse no longer provide decisive ease-of-use and convenience over Windows. Mac OS X broke quite a few UI rules itself. The original Mac is better from a pure usability study perspective.

If you look more carefully, Apple is responsible for championing many technologies because it can afford to incorporate them into standard hardware and OS (kind of like Sony incorporating Blu-ray into PS3).

I don't own any Mac now. Oh and by the way, Steve Jobs is probably one of the best and true hi-tech businessman around. The best part ?
Yeah well, I wonder what the outcome would be if MS made Xbox360 evenly in two colors, white and black, and allowed consumers too choose.

I'm pretty sure I know what that outcome would be (and that's probably one reason MS would never allow it to happen).
When 360s were impossible to find at lauch I joked around about the idea of just waiting until they started selling black ones. :D