Another New Volumetric Fog Demo :)



following on from this post

OpenGL Demo. Screenshot is from 6800GT

Requires Nvidia GPU with Vertex Texture Fetch, FP16 blending, and err, stuff...

Tested with 32bit XP drivers 84.32. Known VTF bug prevents it working on newer drivers.

Uses Shadow Volume Reconstruction (entirely on the the GPU using Vertex Texture Fetch). Shadow Volume Mesh is used to render shadow but mainly used to calculates in-scatter. Uses a nasty but OK looking approximation, similar in prinicple to CryEngine2 Volumetric Lightning Video on ATi Dev site

Demo here:

I'd be happy if you could post hardware and fps (but you'll need fraps!)

[edit glut32.dll now included]
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If you want to attract feedback, better make it easy for people to run it :)

No glut32.dll included = no try, I'm too lazy.

Also you might want to think about adding that framerate counter in the titlebar or something, installing fraps just to give you a framerate is kind of overkill...
LOL @ the responses and "anti-humus" ;)

I'm willing to give this a whack on my little laptop's 7300 Turbocache mobility chipset on my Dell lappy. I'll report back later to see how it's going...
How do you set the resolution on this thing? If I just open it up I get 65fps - 7900GTX-512 mobile.

You can't (yet). Thanks for the fps though.

The bottleneck in this demo (and it's a HUGE bottleneck for me) is vertex texture fetch from a non-displayed buffer, which is set at 256x256. The actual display res has close to zero impact on my 6800GT.