announce : new game -- RiSE


Want to try your luck against the biter saurez (first enemy I added), or that flaapy bird then I have the game for you
heres my latest game, wrote mostly during last weekend, still need to implement hiscore table (difficult with JS & client, if anyone knows how? let me know please, yes its impossible but the best unhackable way)

tested and working 100%, chrome, firefox, opera
sorta, IE (but small 100px window and no sound, sound is a no go, IE is very behind (no ogg support for example), I could fix getting the window size right but IE is such a PITA is work with, Im talking about having to restart the app every time instead of going F5 to reload, gah 1 hour last night before I gave up, I could get it working with jscript I think but thats a bit of a copout)
I assume apple safari works

android works, but you cant really play since its not designed for touchscreen
I've gotten about 30m so far before a stinking bird got me.
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yes I really need to add a online hiscore table, so you can see how you fair against other people in the world. The thing is since its js the code is very open (*) thus ppl can easily submit false scores. I'll look into this this weekend

(*) I obfuscated it a bit but the framerate went in chrome 60fps -> 5fps ! oddly firefox went 45fps -> 20 fps
thanks for testing it out, I dont have safari here (no mac) so cant test.
I'll fix up the sound code of some older web games this weekend & make sure they work on firefox/opera as well as chrome, and will look into writing a better math js code. Im debating whether or not to switch to a different language (JS7 looks ok, but JS6 aint even out yet), Ive been looking at dart / typescript etc but nothing jumps out

btw that guy that appears in Rise above 50m is the NZ Prime minister, he attacks with the 'trickle down effect' attack, (no kidding he actually he believes in 'disproved' the 'trickle down economics' FWIW hes also one of the richest 'elected' leaders in the world )