Am I alone in thinking Christmas is a load of bollocks?

Being an athiest it has no religeous significance for me, yet oddly all the other athiests and agnostics seem indulge regardless. I find the spiritual plastic facade of claytons christians particularly grating, knowing full well what bastards they are the rest of the year.

Being on holidays for two months allows the litttle goblins we call offspring to run riot all day and night, pffft, they'd be lock in cages until 21 if I were global emperor.

That wonderous Australian tradition of the Christmas BBQ. Hot, fly blown, infested with relatives you'd swear were barely of the animal kingdom let alone crossbred from your pure genetic stock.

Most importantly, not only is there nothing good on television but it's as if they formulate the worst of possible programs implicitly for screening during the silly season. Very sadly I had to choose between broadband internet or cable TV and naturally choose the former.

I hate being out shopping during this time of the year... lowest common denominator rules more than ever besides the fact that I don't like swimming through crowds...
Thankyou Druga How did I forget that one.

No, it's all just awefull, and I just won't stand for it. Perhaps I should invest in a single room shack deep, deep in the woods and retire myself there to pen a grand social manifesto...
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Shogun said:
No, it's all just awefull, and I just won't stand for it. Perhaps I should invest in a single room shack deep, deep in the woods and retire myself there to pen a grand social manifesto...

Ok fine, but don't bring aluminum and filing/grinding equipment.

I hate being out shopping during this time of the year... lowest common denominator rules more than ever besides the fact that I don't like swimming through crowds...
Who cares about the deeper meaning, it's a holiday, you get presents - it's like a little birthday. I like it, but not for the religious background.
I think Christmas is great. A perfect excuse to spruce up the home, enjoy extra good food and drink and even reflect on some philosophical meanings behind it all. For example, a Christmas present is much like a Schroedinger Cat experiment (or is it, perhaps, more of a Heisenberg kinda thing?:p). Is it really a gift until you have opened it and does it matter what was inside once you did? I also find it relaxing for the reason that others seem to relax. If they want that extra vodka and sing a song then they do so. Unlike the other 11 months of the year when they seem to want more of the same, but hold back. Life is too short to hold back. Why make it boring too?

The smells. The sounds. The imagery. What a wonderful festive seasons it is! And this is coming from an agnostic. Being agnostic or even atheist does not prevent one to think about the teachings of the Bible that frame Christmas. At least it shouldn't. On the other hand, the Biblical association to Christmas is not necessary either. It's just there. Not many Christians want to hear or believe this, but Christmas, like most Christian holidays, are not really Christian in origin at all and date back further or have other origins that have then been absorbed by the Church.

Drink, be merry, and consider the evergreen and its promise of a birth to come without needing it for its own cycle, being perfectly happy in the snow...until you cut it down and put it in your house becuase "that's what we do..." ;)

PS. If nothing else, it can be a good long warm-up for the all-out mad dash at the booze and festivity that the looming New Year clebration promises.;)
wireframe said:
For example, a Christmas present is much like a Schroedinger Cat experiment (or is it, perhaps, more of a Heisenberg kinda thing?:p). Is it really a gift until you have opened it and does it matter what was inside once you did?
Interesting. So there is always the potential that it may or may not be a pair of socks?

Shogun, I think you must be a bit sad.

I quite enjoy it and last year's was really special for me because it was the first one my parents had with their grandchild.
Christmas is now just another marketing opportunity for big companies. If Christ was around today and the person the Christian churches likes to paint him as, he'd be doing the "moneychangers in the temple" routine with regards to the modern hypocrytical and avaricious Christmas.
well, lets put it this way - the idea is good, my kid (or kids in general love it, so it's good) but the execution - :rolleyes: blah... actually I only need a different environment to live in than I wouldn't have the annoyance factor in my face so much during the Christmas season
wireframe said:
A perfect excuse
Very much the main point of contention. If you wish to behave in whatever manner, be it festive, charitable, whatever, why is an external excuse required.

Simon F said:
I think you must be a bit sad.
Very much the brooding introspective type. While completely indifferent to Christmas per se what i find most annoying and alienating is the social expectation of conforming to the standard behaviour of Christmas time=buy presents/send cards ect all tied to a bastardised Christian theme. Similarly, while you obviously enjoy a close family bond, my situation is a group of strangers who share a bloodline gather annually and pretend to be intimately acquainted. I've long since lost the stomach to endure the tedious charade.

_xxx_ said:
Who cares about the deeper meaning
To me that is the entire point.
I'm definitely a Christmas person, I just love Christmas.
I look forward to decorating the tree and the house, giving and receiving the presents, making and eating all the traditional christmas foods, chocolate, "glühwein", christmas songs, being with family (well, with my bf recently).
I've already cooked and baked some of the meals (traditional rutabaga casserole and carrot casserole, fruitcakes and spicecakes, christmas buns...) and put them in the freezer, the christmas ham and herrings will be bought closer to the day.
My favourite time of the year, has always been and will always be.
It's just that it's over too soon, after all the preparations there really isn't that much time to enjoy it :(
Edit: Oh, and I'm not at all a religious person, so Christmas has no such deeper meaning to me.
Shopping is my religion.
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fallguy said:
our Lord and Savior


I'm a Christmas person. Most of my family is like "aaargh, Christmas is coming again, what shall we do?" but I don't find it stressful or anything. I just enjoy giving gifts, eating good food and all that stuff with my family. Maybe it's because my birthday is only couple days before Christmas so I kinda have two reasons to wait for it to come :)
Christmas is great.
It's probably the one time of the year that people can grow morals and actually care about another human being.
fallguy said:
Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior. Not shopping.
He wasn't even born on the 25th of December :rolleyes:

It's the biggest load of made-up nonsense inflicted on modern society.